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Zane Grey

Book Overview: 

The heart of a stallion; the heart of a man; the heart of a woman. Three valiant, authentic, and determined souls cross each others' paths, and the sparks fly. We'll leave it to you to find out what kind of sparks.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .It was the source of a canyon. He could look down to see the bare, worn rock, and a hundred yards from where he stood the earth was washed from its rims and it began to show depth and something of that ragged outline which told of violence of flood. The trail headed many canyons like this, all running down across this bench, disappearing, dropping invisibly. The trail swung to the left under the great slope, and then presently it climbed to a higher bench. Here were brush and grass and huge patches of sage, so pungent that it stung Slone's nostrils. Then he went down again, this time to come to a clear brook lined by willows. Here the horses drank long and Slone refreshed himself. The sun had grown hot. There was fragrance of flowers he could not see and a low murmur of a waterfall that was likewise invisible. For most of the time his view was shut off, but occasionally he reached a point where through some break he saw towers gleaming red in the sun. A strange place, a p. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I discovered westerns when I was a freshman in college and was drawn to Zane Grey in particular. Wildfire was one of the books I read then and kept. (The edition I have was published in 1917.)

I didn't love it this time around. It's surprising how much it reads like a modern young adult romance. ("Yo

“Twice he had seen Wildfire, but only at a distance. Then he had resembled a running streak of fire, whence his name, which Sloan had given him.”

When I finish a Zane Grey novel, I think, This is my favorite! It is no different this time. I’ve read 18 of them now, and I haven’t run across a dud yet.

More of a 2.5. It had a lot of good parts, but the ending was weak.

It astounds me that Zane Grey’s WILDFIRE has not received the literary acclaim it rightly deserves. Grey’s skillful depiction of the classic American theme of innocence to experience is masterfully portrayed in the fourfold symbolism of “Wildfire.” These four streams of the untamed mustang, the fier

Zane Grey's Wildfire, named after a wild stallion in this novel, is full of majestic scenery, complex characters, and unforgettable episodes including the description of the tracking and capturing of this magnificent animal by the horse hunter, Lin Slone. But that occurrence is only an early part of

I found this Zane Grey book while visiting Virginia a few years back and immediately thought of the wisdom, kindness, and practicality that was portrayed by Colonel Potter in the TV series M*A*S*H. While I do enjoy the occasional black-and-white western, the genre has typically not been a place wher

I read this book in my early teens and still remember it! Always the sign of a good book. Obviously I identified with the young heroine Lucy Bostil at the time, and maybe I was a bit young for the romance side. But I fell in love with the spirited stallion Wildfire, and the scene where Lucy is tied

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