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The Visits of Elizabeth

Elinor Glyn

Book Overview: 

Elizabeth is a young and naive debutante who is travelling around England and France fom one house party to the next, visiting friends and family, in search of a suitable husband. She is a rather good correspondent, sending her mother letters from all of these places and events. These letters are more shocking and concerning to her mother than Elizabeth might think, however, because due to her innocence the frequent innuendos made by her male acquaintances escape her.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I was so tired.

A French Family at Home

I left Agnès to settle everything and jumped into bed. This morning I woke early, and had the loveliest cup of chocolate, but such a silly bath, and almost cold water. There are no housemaids, and nothing is done with precise regularity like at home, although they are so rich. Agnès had to fish for everything of that sort herself, and such a lot of talking went on in the passage between her and the valet de chambre, before I even got this teeny tiny tray to splash in. However, I did get dressed at last, and went for a walk in the garden—not a soul about but a few gardeners. The begonias are magnificent, but there is no look of park beyond the garden, or nice deer and things that we would have for such a house in England. It is more like a sort of big villa.

I saw Jean at last in the distance, going round and round a large pond on his bicycle. He did look odd! in a thick striped jersey, and th. . . Read More

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My Interest

I love reading about a book in another book and deciding I must read it. In the book The Life and Death of Ella Grand Duchess of Russia: A Romanov Tragedy (review coming), this book was mentioned as being one Ella forbid her niece/ward to read as it was unsuitable for unmarried girls. I k

Pour les fans de Shopaholic et de la Belle Époque. Héroïne d'âge tendre qui a le chic pour se mettre dans des situations à quiproquos. Ah cette époque lointaine où on était ignorante à 17 ans !

This was a pleasant surprise! I had never read anything by this author. It’s a classic but has a delightful humor. I don’t typically laugh aloud but did several times as I read about Elizabeth. She’s barely an adult but still a child. Her innocence and the way she describes people without a filter f

I found the entire works of Elinor Glyn in the Harvard libraries, and this was my favorite. Naive English debutante Elizabeth, making the rounds of English house parties, sends letters to her mother describing the often improper behavior of the ton. It is clear that her mother is much more sophistic

I enjoyed this book, though I found it got rather tedious around the middle and I must confess, I skipped out a large part of her French visits! The structure is very repetitive, as it's basically Elizabeth going to stay with various friends and relatives and telling her mother all about her experie

Romantic novel with manу а twist bу ab author with unbound sense of humor - stronglу recommended

I think the book fails to grab the interest for a long time.

Leggere questo delizioso 'diario di viaggio' di una diciassettenne di fine ottocento è come sfogliare un pacchetto di cartoline vittoriane, un po' consunte, ma piene di suggestione. La Elizabeth del titolo è certo ignara delle malizie della società che si trova via via ad affrontare, ma rivela uno s

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