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Archibald Marshall

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Mr. Perry; and there were murmurs of approbation from the back of the court.

Lord Potter looked black. "The prisoner accused him of taking away his watch," he said, "and trying to get his money. Of course, if nothing had been found on the prisoner the charge would have fallen through. It is quite evident that Mr. Perry wanted to make it appear that I was lying when I said that this man had tried to press money on me."[3]

He spoke with great indignation, but the magistrate said firmly: "There is no charge against Mr. Perry," and added: "He could not have taken away the prisoner's watch, because it was found on him when he came to the police station, and his money too. He would hardly have taken it back, if someone had been kind[Pg 44] enough to relieve him of it, would he?"

This was said with a smile to Lord Potter, who grunted angrily, but said no more until he was asked to tell his story, which he did quite truthfully, except that he gave the i. . . Read More