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Unhappy Far-Off Things

Lord Dunsany

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Unhappy Far-Off Things | Lord Dunsany

Unhappy Far-Off Things

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Better known today for his influential fantasy writings, Lord Dunsany also wrote a number of sketches during Wold War One. This compilation of essays written from time spent in France in 1916. Much more thoughtful and melancholy than the pieces written for the War Office earlier in the war
s after dark, but he had not contemplated the difficulty of walking over that road, or dreamed that lanes he knew could be so foundered and merged, in that mournful desolate moor.

Evening was filling fast, still he kept on. It was the time when the cornstacks would once have begun to grow indistinct, and slowly turn grey in the greyness, and homesteads one by one would have lit their innumerable lights. But evening now came down on a dreary desolation: and a cold wind arose; and the traveller heard the mournful sound of iron flapping on broken things, and knew that this was the sound that would haunt the waste for ever.

And evening settled down, a huge grey canvas waiting for sombre pictures; a setting for all the dark tales of the world, haunted forever a grizzly place was haunted ever, in any century, in any land; but not by mere ghosts from all those thousands of graves and half-buried bodies and sepulchral shell-holes; haunted by things huger and more disastrous than that; haunted by wailing ambitions, under the stars or moon, drifting across the rubbish that once was villages, which strews the lonely plain; the lost ambitions of two Emperors and a Sultan wailing from wind to wind and whimpering for dominion of the world.

The cold wind blew over the blasted heath and bits of broken iron flapped on and on.

And now the traveller hurried, for night was falling, and such a night as three witches might have brewed in a cauldron. He went on eagerly but with infinite sadness. Over the sky-line strange rockets went up from the war, peered oddly over the earth and went down again. Very far off a few soldiers lit a little fire of their own. The night grew colder; tap, tap, went broken iron.

And at last the traveller stopped in the lonely night and looked round him attentively, and appeared to be satisfied that he had come within sight of his journey's end, although to

Kerry 08/24/2024
Unhappy Far-off Things, first published in 1919, is Lord Dunsany's second volume of impressions from the First World War. These are not stories as such, but rather prose-poems. The density of poetic description in Unhappy Far-off Things equals the best of Dunsany's early fantasy short stories.

Βασίλειος 02/03/2021
An excellent collection of stories about things affected by war. Ruin, desolation and romance in the small parts that once were, but not anymore.
robyn 08/24/2020
Dunsany moves through the ruins of Europe like a man moving through his own looted house. It's amazingly effective, and touching - in memoriam of a world that's been murdered.
Jeff 06/28/2020
I'm relatively new to the work of Lord Dunsany, and have not much loved his tales of fantasy so far. But Unhappy Far-Off Things is something altogether different, a quiet meditation on the physical ruin of the region of France around the city of Arras in the immediate aftermath of World War I.

N. 11/15/2019
Oh, perhaps I should have tried one with a lighter tone. I liked it, I just didn't get invested in it.
Ian 07/11/2018
Unhappy Far-Off Things is essentially 'Tales of War: Volume Two' and with the benefit of hindsight it would have made quite a lot of sense to combine them. On balance I'd say it's the weaker of the two, though still a worthwhile read for Dunsany fans or those with an interest in Great War literature
James 04/20/2018
I remember my younger days when, as good Christians, we were taught to pray for the end of the Soviet Union and all its evil doings. Then one day the leaders did just that. They decided to dissolve the union and everyone rejoiced. For maybe five minutes. Until the wars broke out. It turned out all t
Sean 09/05/2012
Lord Dunsany is best known for his fantasy, which was an inspiration to many authors such as H.P. Lovecraft. In this slim volume, however, Dunsany dwells on the horror of the First World War. Unlike most war memoirs he speaks very little of himself or even of the fighting. Instead we are treated to

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