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Frederich de La Motte-Fouqué

Book Overview: 

Undine is a novel by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué in which Undine, a water spirit, marries a knight named Huldebrand in order to gain a soul. The novel served as inspiration for two operas in the romantic style by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann and Albert Lortzing, respectively, and two ballets: the nineteenth century Ondine and the twentieth century Undine. An edition of the book was illustrated by Arthur Rackham. In The Fantastic Imagination, George MacDonald writes, “Were I asked, what is a fairytale? I should reply, Read Undine: that is a fairytale … of all fairytales I know, I think Undine the most beautiful.”

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .cried the fisherman to her, unable to utter another word: and at the same time he stretched out his arms far over the rushing stream toward her, and nodded his head as if to promise the fulfilment of her request, and as he did this, his white hair fell strangely over his face, and reminded Huldbrand of the nodding white man in the forest. Without allowing himself, however, to grow confused by such an idea the young knight took the beautiful girl in his arms, and bore her over the narrow passage which the stream had forced between her little island and the shore.

The old man fell upon Undine's neck and could not satisfy the exuberance of his joy; his good wife also came up and caressed the newly-found in the heartiest manner. Not a word of reproach passed their lips; nor was it thought of, for Undine, forgetting all her waywardness, almost overwhelmed her foster-parents with affection and fond expressions.

When at last they had recovered from the. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This was George MacDonald’s favorite fairy tale and indeed I kept thinking he wrote it while o was reading it. The quintessential fairy tale. A story to think about long after the book is finished.

I recently visited the Austrian city Baden, about 20 minutes south of Vienna. They have a gorgeous park there and among the many architectural sights, I saw a fountain that fascinated me: The Undine Fountain, built in 1903 to celebrate the construction of the city's water line network.

I looked up t

Alapvetően nem szoktam elájulni a lovagos sztoriktól. Túl sok hierarchia van beléjük kódolva, amit ugyan érdekesnek, talán bájosnak találok, de aki szerint ez maga a romantikus aranykor, azt botoztassa meg Csongrád vármegye alispánja. Persze csak miután (ahogy azt a jogszerűség kívánalmai előírják)

Undina nije samo vodena vila koja je kroz ljubav sa smrtnikom-vitezom stekla dušu, ona je i posvojče zamalo nazvano Doroteja (Božidarka), nestašni devojčurak, džangrizava tinejdžerka, ukapljičeni kikot, prpošna buntovnica, tragična heroina, ljubomorna pa velikodušna, nesigurna femme fatale, krhka ak

Ein tragisches Kunstmärchen das viele mythologische und Gruselelemente enthält.
"Undine" bietet die Vorlage zur kleinen Meerjungfrau, basiert jedoch gleichzeitig auf der Sage der Melusine aus dem Mittelalter. Die Wassernymphe Melusine heiratet einen Fischer, den sie ermahnt niemals ein böses Wort geg

"El que escribe estas líneas sabe que todo esto se podría escribir con detalle, tal vez debería hacerlo así. Pero el corazón le duele demasiado, él ha experimentado cosas similares, e incluso en el recuerdo se asusta de sus sombras."

Gran historia, aunque no sé qué le ha faltado para ponerle 5 estrel

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