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The Truth About Jesus : Is He a Myth?

M. M. Mangasarian

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Book Excerpt: 
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Instead of producing historical evidence or appealing to creditable documents, as one would to prove the existence of a Caesar or an Alexander, Justin Martyr draws upon pagan mythology in his reply to the critics of Christianity. All he seems to ask for is that Jesus be given a higher place among the divinities of the ancient world.

To help their cause the Christian apologists not infrequently also changed the sense of certain Old Testament passages to make them support the miraculous stories in the New Testament. For example, having borrowed from Oriental books the story of the god in a manger, surrounded by staring animals, the Christian fathers introduced a prediction of this event into the following text from the book of Habakkuk in the Bible: "Accomplish thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known, etc." * This Old . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Anyone who seriously considers the story of Jesus, would come to the conclusion he is a patchwork of the early church and that such a personage as described in the gospels did not walk the surface of the earth

Very interesting points. A little biased, but a fascinating debate. A goodread for any Christian who wants a look at an opposing argument and the ability to speak on it. Presents a study of the flaws and fallacies in the gospel. Asks the reader to consider strengths and weaknesses in timelines, fact

This is a good book to read for every Christian. Firstly to unravel your thread from the ball of complacency you might find yourself in. Subsequently to interrogate you own ideas about the Christian faith, and the historicity of Christ. Through the centuries man has added a lot of tradition to the f

Edifyingly Erudite

I love the parable he tells at the beginning of the book.... it is a great summary of the gist of the whole mindset of christians and all other monotheists.

Also I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this from the book:
By education most have been misled
So they believe because they were so bred
The pr

To give the gist of this book , it concludes that Jesus is not real. The arguments are so attractive. But I cannot deny that God- Holy Trinity used people from my religion to open my eyes with my true purpose and genuine home.

Published in 1909, some good points and some in need of examples or citations.

M.M. Mangasarian (12/29/1859 - 06/26/1943) was an American rationalist and secularist.


This book answers all the questions mankind has wanted answers to but RELIGION has labelled anyone who questions a heretic. If you are christian, read this book and then ask yourself "Who is telling the truth?" Use some common sense and think for yourself.