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Tom Brown at Oxford

Thomas Hughes

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Tom Brown at Oxford | Thomas Hughes

Tom Brown at Oxford

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at Drysdale's door.

On entering the room he found Drysdale and Blake alone together, the former looking more serious than Tom had ever seen him before. As for Blake, the restless, haggard expression sat more heavily than ever on his face, sadly marring its beauty. It was clear that they changed the subject of their talk abruptly on his entrance; so Tom looked anywhere except straight before him as he was greeting Blake. He really felt very sorry for him at the moment. However, in another five minutes, he was in fits of laughter over Blake's description of the conversation between himself and the coachman who had driven the Glo'ster day-mail by which he had come up; in which conversation, nevertheless, when Tom came to think it over, and try to repeat it afterwards, the most facetious parts seemed to be the "sez he's" and the "sez I's" with which Jehu larded his stories; so he gave up the attempt, wondering what he could have found in it to laugh at.

"By the way, Blake," said Drysdale, "how about our excursion into
Berkshire masquerading this term? Are you game?"

"Not exactly," said Blake; "I really must make the most of such time as I have left, if I'm going into the schools this term."

"If there's one thing which spoils Oxford it is those schools," said Drysdale; "they get in the way of everything. I ought to be going up for smalls myself next term, and I haven't opened a book yet, and don't mean to do so. Follow a good example, old fellow, you're cock-sure of your first, every-body knows."

"I wish everybody would back his opinion, and give me a shade of odds. Why, I have scarcely thought of my history."

"Why the d—-l should they make such a fuss about history? One knows perfectly well that those old black-guard heathens were no better than they should be; and what good it can do to lumber one's head with who their grandmothe

joan 09/06/2023
What an excellent invention the novel is..

This one is a sort of male-Emma: young man tries to help out, everything goes to pot. But he's (he's a man) also taking up with Abstract Ideas as current in the 1840s, which means Chartism, stale Tradition vs reckless Reform, which the hero manifests as Mus
Mary 05/06/2021
Finished as in, I'm not reading this book any more, and since 1. the author is long dead, 2. he already has a place in the British literary canon, and 3. I tried and failed to read his better-known Tom Brown's Schooldays, I'm going to rate it as a warning.

You know how Ang Lee once asked of Emma Thom
Brian 11/30/2014
As an enrollment counselor at a community college, I really like this book as an opportunity to see what has changed about the college student's mindset and what has stayed the same. Since I tend to romanticize the historical, and especially the English, the nearest candor even as HE looked back tha
Darcy 10/10/2013
Tom Brown at Oxford takes place where Schoolboys left off. It tells us what happens to Tom once he leaves Rugby and goes to Oxford. Of course there are plenty of adventures including a scandalous affair with a barmaid, a mob of angry farmers, and plenty of crew regattas. Tom makes plenty of wonderfu
Lesley Anne 03/31/2013
I recently came across this and, as a lover of Victorian novels, I thought I would try reading it. It is the sequel to 'Tom Brown's Schooldays', one of the earliest school stories and tells of Tom's experiences when he becomes a student at Oxford and struggles to balance the temptations of universit

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