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Book Overview: 

‘Timaeus’ is usually regarded as one of Plato’s later dialogues, and provides an account of the creation of the universe, with physical, metaphysical and ethical dimensions, which had great influence over philosophers for centuries following. It attributes the order and beauty of the universe to a benevolent demiurge – a ‘craftsman’ or god – fashioning the physical world after the pattern of an ideal, eternal one.

The dramatic setting of the dialogue is the day after a discussion in which Socrates has described his ideal state – as in the ‘Republic’. A conversation between Socrates, Critias, Hermocrates and Timaeus, including Critias’ account of Solon’s journey to Egypt (where he hears the story of Atlantis), soon gives way to the monologue by Timaeus that forms the bulk of the work.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . and as it escapes, fills the veins by drawing after it the divided portions, and thus the streams of nutriment are diffused through the body. The fruits or herbs which are our daily sustenance take all sorts of colours when intermixed, but the colour of red or fire predominates, and hence the liquid which we call blood is red, being the nurturing principle of the body, whence all parts are watered and empty places filled.

The process of repletion and depletion is produced by the attraction of like to like, after the manner of the universal motion. The external elements by their attraction are always diminishing the substance of the body: the particles of blood, too, formed out of the newly digested food, are attracted towards kindred elements within the body and so fill up the void. When more is taken away than flows in, then we decay; and when less, we grow and increase.

The young of every animal has the triangles new and closely locked together, . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Plato's Timaeus is a cornerstone of ancient philosophy, blending metaphysics with proto-scientific inquiry. This dialogue explores the creation of the world, the nature of the Gods, and the human body. Its rich tapestry has inspired thinkers and creators for millennia.

Theories on World Creation and

The book opens with a brief dialog between Socrates, Timaeus, Hermocrates, and Critias, which swiftly retrogrades into a long monologue by Timaeus himself, during which time Socrates sits quietly and listens.

Timaeus, from Locri, Italy, is a fictional character and his monologue is in fact Plato's le

1) Da, Atlantida. Kritija se seća detinjst(a)va. (59)

2) Kosmos je najlepši od svega što je postalo (68), a Tvorac je dobar, sve postoji postoji da bi ličilo njemu samom i kosmos je živo biće obdareno dušom i umom. (70)

3) Noć i dan su stvoreni da bi postojala neka vidljiva mera za odnos sporosti i br

The universe and souls and our bodies and geometry.

Socrates and Science
15 December 2018 – Perth

This book is famous for all the wrong reasons, and it basically has something to do with a city that for some reason Jason Moma seems to have a very strong connection to. Yet, while this is generally known as the Atlantis dialogue, in reality it isn’t, th

The sources for the myth of Atlantis are two: Plato's dialogs Timaeus and Critias, primarily the latter. That's it. The rest is much more modern invention.

Cornford's Plato books are usually detailed and excellent, albeit perhaps too detailed and technical for some readers. In this edition he did the

رسالهٔ تيمائوس، خلاصه‌ايست از جهان‌بينى افلاطون، كه حاوى بخش ابتدايى اسطوره‌اى، بخش كوچكى در فلسفه و بخش بزرگى در طبيعيات است. بخش فلسفى مخصوصاً به دليل طرح مباحثى كه بعداً توسط ارسطو تكميل شد و به صورت نظريهٔ معروف صورت و ماده درآمد اهميت دارد. بخش اسطوره‌ای بعدها توسط نوافلاطونی‌ها، گنوسی‌ها و مان

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