"We'll take its contents for granted. How does it stand? On a platform?"
"Yes, one foot from the floor. The platform runs all the way across the room and holds other things; a table[27] which nobody uses, a revolving bookcase and a series of shelves, fitted with boxes containing old receipts and such junk. Sometimes I go through these; but nothing ever comes of it." He paused, as if the subject were distasteful.
"And the safe is opened?"
"Almost every week. I'm ashamed to tell you the old duffer's methods; they're loony. But he isn't a lunatic. At any rate, they don't think so in Wall Street."
"I'll make a guess at his name."
"Not yet. You'll have to swear——"
"Oh, we're both in it. Never mind the heroics. It's too good a thing to peach on. Me and the manager! I like that. Take it easy till the job's done, anyway. And now I'll take a fly at the name. It's——"
He had the grace to whisper.[28]
"Stenographers must be counted"
YOUNG Fellows squirmed and turned a shade paler, if one could trust the sickly violet ray that shot down from the once exquisitely colored window high up over their heads.
"Hush!" he muttered; and the other grinned. Evidently the guess was a correct one.
"No, he's no lunatic," the professional quietly declared. "But he has queer ways. Which of his queers do you object to?"
"When his letters come, or more often his cablegrams, th
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I would have preferred if the woman was more involved in earlier chapters.