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Ten From Infinity
Paul W. Fairman
Book Overview:
It began when a pedestrian got hit by a cab in New York City. No doubt it was the only motor mishap in the history of creation that reached out among the stars—for far out in space a signal was registered: Something has gone wrong....
And something had gone wrong, for the doctors discovered their accident patient had two hearts. It was the beginning of the discovery that the Earth had been invaded by 10 such creatures from Outer Space.
Every effort was made to learn their purpose. An orbital flight was launched to spot alien bodies—only to be destroyed in space. One of the alien men was captured—but no threat of pain or death could unlock the secret in his brain.
Something had gone wrong. And somehow, some way had to be found to make it right—before the threat of danger overwhelmed all mankind.
It began when a pedestrian got hit by a cab in New York City. No doubt it was the only motor mishap in the history of creation that reached out among the stars—for far out in space a signal was registered: Something has gone wrong....
And something had gone wrong, for the doctors discovered their accident patient had two hearts. It was the beginning of the discovery that the Earth had been invaded by 10 such creatures from Outer Space.
Every effort was made to learn their purpose. An orbital flight was launched to spot alien bodies—only to be destroyed in space. One of the alien men was captured—but no threat of pain or death could unlock the secret in his brain.
Something had gone wrong. And somehow, some way had to be found to make it right—before the threat of danger overwhelmed all mankind.
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And that was how it had begun to look. Still, that was ridiculous. The Army, the Navy, the Air Force—they were all involved. Only Congress—the true representatives of the people—had been ignored. And, by God, he'd do something about it!
Crane stopped pacing but continued to scowl at the wall. Now, what department of research could find him some data on androids?
Les King was awakened by a knock on his door. He rolled over, blinked and looked at his watch. A little after two in the afternoon, which was equivalent to midnight for Les. He pulled on his robe and went to the door and opened it.
He blinked.
Sure, no doubt about it. The man standing there was the one he'd snapped on Park Avenue th. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
An interesting latish Golden Age scifi "let's panic America" story from 1963. Aliens are invading except it might be a communist plot. They look completely normal except they all look exactly the same. Actually, they are androids and each one of the ten has a slightly different body chemistry and in
This novel by Fairman was originally published under the pseudonym of Ivar Jorgensen, which was a pen name originally specific to the Ziff-Davis digests (Amazing and Fantastic); it was also used occasionally by other authors including Howard Browne, John Jakes, Randall Garrett, Harlan Ellison, and R
I don't want to be mean. I know the author is not alive anymore but I'd rather not lie. This science fic book is most certainly outdated. The author lacks description in this story. It's more of a dialogue-driven novella or a short novel. The good side is... it's not a heavy read. I can't relate to
A bit dated but still a good read. The characters speak in a voice from an earlier time... the technology didn't go quite where the author thought it might, but close enough.
Reading this book is a great way to take a dive into a bad 1960’s sci-fi. Many parts are so bad that they are hilarious.
The good parts in this book are the alien androids, Number 10 being the best of all the androids. He is keenly interested in the opposite sex and is very blunt about his desire to
Slight, dated, but still has its moments.
This 50+ year old tale did not age very well.
Interesting Read
This is certainly not as fanciful or gripping as science fiction today but neither was it boring. The Earth is invaded by aliens trying to ascertain what they must do to acclimate themselves to our environment with the express intent of taking over the world.