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Talents, Incorporated

Murray Leinster

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Talents, Incorporated | Murray Leinster

Talents, Incorporated

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Bors felt as if he'd been hit over the head. This was ridiculous! He'd planned and carried out the destruction of that warship because the information of its existence and location was verified by a magnetometer.

But, if he'd known how the information had been obtained--if he'd known it had been guessed at by a discharged spaceport employee, and a paranoid personality, and a man who used a hazel twig or something similar--if he'd known that, he'd never have dreamed of accepting it. He'd have dismissed it flatly!
Humphrey, the fleet was much nearer to Kandar. But days of highly-tedious eventlessness were still ahead of the war-fleet.

So Bors and Gwenlyn and Morgan got a ground-car and were driven to Kandar's commercial spaceport. There they found the Sylva. It was far larger than the usual space-yachts. There were commercial space-craft which were no larger. But it was a workmanlike sort of ship, at that. It had two lifeboat blisters, and there were emergency rockets for landings where no landing-grids existed. The armored bands of overdrive-coil shielding were massive. The Sylva, in fact, looked more like a service ship than either a commercial vessel or a yacht. It was obviously unarmed, but it had the look of a craft that could go very nearly anywhere.

"You'll find the Talents a bit odd," said Gwenlyn, as they drove up under the hull's wide bulge. "When they meet new people they like to show off. Most of them were pretty well frustrated before Father found a use for them. But they're quite pleasant people if you don't treat them like freaks. They're not, you know."

Bors had nothing to say. Until he was fifteen he'd lived on[36] Tralee, which was then a quiet, pacific world, as Kandar had been. As the nephew of a monarch at least as resolutely constitutional as King Humphrey, he'd been raised in a very matter-of-fact fashion. The atmosphere had been that of a comfortable, realistic adjustment to facts. He was taught a great respect for certain facts without being made fanatically opposed to anything else. He'd been trained to require reasonable evidence without demanding that all proofs come out of test tubes and electronic apparatus. He was specifically taught that arithmetic cannot be proved by experimental evidence, but that sound experimental evidence agrees with arithmetic. So he was probably better qualified than most to deal with

Riju 10/12/2019
Murray Leinster was one of those top-notch authors who could make absolutely rubbish and formulaic stuff not only readable, but rather enjoyable. This novella is a solid example of such stuff. The plot is completely devoid of humour. The characters take themselves too seriously. And there is absolut
Manuel 04/03/2018
Interesting space opera novel, with a hero with an Arcturian name (Bors) who fights an empire against all odds with the help of a set of freakies (Talents, Inc.) who are able to "predict" things such as the arrival of a space ship or who will marry who:-)

The plot is interesting, with a very little A
PescePirata 03/04/2013
Il pianeta Kandar sta per essere invaso dall'esercito del pianeta Mekin, che sta conquistando con forza bruta e violenza tutti i pianeti pacifici della galassia. L'esercito si sta preparando a essere annientato nell'ultima disperata battaglia.
Su Kandar arriva la nave dell'Anonima Talenti: il preside
Johnny 08/20/2012
Talents, Incorporated is a novel that works on many levels. In terms of politics, it matches the satirical style of the late Leonard Wibberley (The Mouse That Roared, The Mouse on the Moon) written in the same era (Talents, Incorporated was first published in 1962) at the height of the Cold War. The
Ralph 01/31/2012
I really enjoyed listening to this space adventure with my wife. The story is a grand tale and you are drawn in to the plot and root for the good guys and are sometimes confused by there perceptions of the situation.

Mark Nelson does a wonderful job, with a rich voice that he can use as several diff

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