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Sylvie and Bruno

Lewis Carroll

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I hope he strikes you as having talent?”

“Oh, very much so indeed, my Lady!” the Professor hastily replied, unconsciously rubbing his ear, while some painful recollection seemed to cross his mind. “I was very forcibly struck by His Magnificence, I assure you!”

“He is a charming boy!” my Lady exclaimed. “Even his snores are more musical than those of other boys!”

If that were so, the Professor seemed to think, the snores of other boys must be something too awful to be endured: but he was a cautious man, and he said nothing.

“And he’s so clever!” my Lady continued. “No one will enjoy your Lecture more—by the way, have you fixed the time for it yet? You’ve never given one, you know: and it was promised years ago, before you——”

“Yes, yes, my Lady, I know! Perhaps next Tuesday—or Tuesday week——”

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Community Reviews

Prime example of absurdism done right.

Unlike the Alice stories, the narrator himself is the observer of reality clashing with magic. He weaves himself in and out of several vignettes which portray silly discourses among friends and Fairyland. The titular characters are but devices, sometimes human s

This is my favorite Lewis Caroll book. Even though this book is much less well-known than Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I like it better. I love how he connects the imaginary and the ordinary, the seen and the invisible, and children's beliefs to that of adult society.

Many things that Arthur and

Es esta la última obra de Lewis Carroll, poco conocida en español y menos reeditada aún. Fue eclipsada por “Alicia en el País de las Maravillas” y se la ha considerado una obra menor, un panfleto.
Sin embargo, en ella podemos apreciar al mejor Carroll, quien como un distinguido chef, nos sirve un ba

ENGLISH: A mixture of fantastic literature in the style of the two Alice books, together with a contemporary novel, both parts assembled in such an intertwined way that sometimes the reader does not know in which part he is, which on the other hand also happens to the narrator.

ESPAÑOL: Una mezcla de

Unlike Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, this caters a bit more to the adult audience, which admittedly is far smaller for fantastic absurdism. Carroll does it well for the most part, although the overall plot structure is somewhat fragmented and gets a little confused when characters from Fairyland

This is an extraordinary book, and one clearly in need of a good editor. To combine a story about fairy children with discussions about religious practices, among other things, mixed in with a rather unconvincing love triangle .... Then there is the unbearable cuteness of ‘ickle Bruno, whose baby ta

I think that synopsis kind of got this book down to pat. Sylvie and Bruno were two kids who this man seemed to meet in his dreams whenever he fell asleep and believed were faeries. I am not entirely sure what this book was about, and it seemed to just be a collection of stories about what happened w

This was a bizarre book. It had no real plot and no real beginning, middle or end. The story flipped back and forth between the life of a normal, middle-aged victorian man (who's point of view the story is told from) and his dream sequences. In the real world, the man and his various acquaintances h

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