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May Sinclair

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .There was flattery in every knock, for it meant that Dr. Cautley was growing eminent, and that at the ridiculously early age of nine-and-twenty.

There was a sharp ring now. He turned wearily in his chairs.

"There's another damned patient," said Dr. Cautley.

He was really so eminent that he could afford to think blasphemously of patients; and he had no love for those who came to consult him before their time. He sat up with his irritable nerves on edge. The servant was certainly letting somebody in, and from the soft rustling sounds in the hall he gathered that somebody was a woman; much patience and much politeness would then be required of him, and he was feeling anything but patient and polite.

"Miss Rhoda Vivian" was the name on the card that was brought to him. He did not know Miss Rhoda Vivian.

The gas-jets were turned low in the consulting-room; when he raised them he saw a be. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I found this quite an understated little book, the plot was quite simple but the characters were well defined and entertaining. Some of it was quite amusing, which contrasted with the more serious feminist themes. The ending seemed a little defeatist to me, but considering the time it was written ou

This was a rather depressing book about the fate of Juliana Quincey, an "old maid" teacher at a school for girls, whose monotonous life is enlivened by her growing affection for the first two people who treat her with respect or interest. But Sinclair is writing to an agenda, as she so often does, a

I believe that if May Sinclair were a man, she would recognized as one of the best novelists of the early 20th century. Sadly, nearly all her books are out of print and she is largely forgotten. She pioneered a use of psychology in her novels and is credited with inventing “steam of consciousness” i

Possibly the saddest book I have ever read. Beautifully written, depressingly plausible: your heart aches for Juliana, who hasn't the strength to escape her appalling aunt - one of Sinclair's best dreadful people. Athough I've given it five stars, no question, I can't recommend it because it is so p

To be honest I didn't really follow much of this story. It failed to interest me and so, listening to it on audio, I mostly tuned out.