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Stephen Archer and Other Tales

George MacDonald

Book Overview: 

Collection of short stories by George MacDonald

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ush, rendering it colourless as that upon her arm which had never seen the light. She had pored on the little face until she knew death, and now she sat a speechless mother of sorrow, bending in the dim light of the tomb over the body of her holy infant.

How it was I cannot tell, but the moment her father saw her she looked up, and the spell of her dumbness broke.

"Jesus is dead," she said, slowly and sadly, but with perfect calmness. "He is dead," she repeated. "He came too early, and there was no one up to take care of him, and he's dead—dead—dead!"

But as she spoke the last words, the frozen lump of agony gave way; the well of her heart suddenly filled, swelled, overflowed; the last word was half sob, half shriek of utter despair and loss.

Alice darted forward and took the dead baby tenderly from her. The same moment her father raised the little mother and clasped her to . . . Read More

Community Reviews

I bought this two-volume set as hardbacks back in the 1970s, largely because C.S. Lewis wrote that MacDonald was one of his biggest influences. Many years ago this set got left behind in one of the houses where I used to live, still unread. A few years ago a friend read one of these stories aloud to

Reading anything by George MacDonald gives one great hope, and reminds one of what a joy it is to be alive!

This book (I read the Logos edition) contains six stories which I'll review separately.

The Gifts of the Child Christ
I expected something else from this, but it was lovely in its own way.

The History of Photogen and Nycteris
This is masterful. A wonderful fairy tale that ought to be famous. I'm frankly

Some of the tales read as being a bit dated by both the language and some of the concepts. Otherwise, however, this is a thoroughly entertaining and educating volume (I have only read volume 1 at this point) of Fairy Tales. It is wisely pointed out that this is not a book of Fairy Tales for children

ⓒ 1973. Imaginative short stories by Scotland's Christian non-conformist par excellence. If only the world and the people in it could be as he imagined...more

A superb collection of stories. The standouts, to my mind, are "The Gifts of the Child Christ", "The Butcher's Bills", and "Port in a Storm".

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