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The Staircase At The Heart's Delight

Anna Katharine Green

Book Overview: 

Detective Ebenezer Gryce tells the story of the case with which he begun his career. Several wealthy men were drowned and washed ashore in New York City, and the first clue leads to a dubious money lender.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Let the young man see what he has signed.' She smiled and again brought forward the book in which I had so recklessly placed my name, and there at the top of the page I read these words: 'For moneys received, I agree to notify Levi Solomon, within the month, of the death of my father, that he may recover from me, without loss of time, the sum of ten thousand dollars from the amount I am bound to receive as my father's heir.' The sight of these lines knocked me hollow. But I am less of a coward morally than physically, and I determined to acquaint my father at once with what I had done, and get his advice as to whether or not I should inform the police of my adventure. He heard me with more consideration than I expected, but insisted that I should immediately make known to you my experience in this Bowery pawnbroker's shop.

"The officer, highly interested, took down the young man's statement in writing, and, after getting a more accurate description of the Jew's. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Came across this while browsing the library. I like AKG and staircases so I gave it a read, no research. I thought the title was intriguing, didn't know it was a short story.

This spine-tingling little mystery story about an appalling conspiracy to murder wealthy men about town definitely kept my attention.

1840 As told by Mr Gryce. A number of well-known and wealthy men have been discovered drowned, presumed as suicides. Gryce believes not and waits for a clue to help his investigation.
An entertaining historical mystery
Originally published in 1894

Quick little twisty mystery