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The Spoilers

Rex Ellingwood Beach

Book Overview: 

The Spoilers, was based on a true story of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, which Beach witnessed while he was prospecting in Nome, Alaska. The novel begins with the return of Dextry and Roy Glenister to Nome to reclaim their mine, The Midas. On their arrival, they find “The Law” has come to Nome. The problem is “The Law” is crooked, bent on stealing all the best gold mines in Alaska. Alec McNamara is the villain in this novel and rules with a heavy hand through the aging and corrupt Judge Stillman. Helen Chester is the naïve niece of Judge Stillman. She cannot believe her uncle is involved in such treachery. And of course, Roy Glenister is in love with her. After trying to work within the law, the miners eventually form a vigilante group called The Stranglers to right the wrongs while Glenister continues to believe the law can correct the wrongs.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ting waistband, following down the lines of least resistance into his boot-legs and boiling out at the knees.

"Wash that," he said. "You're apt to get a prospect."

With artful passes Dextry settled it in the pan bottom and washed away the gravel, leaving a yellow, glittering pile which raised a yell from the men who had lingered curiously.

"He pans forty dollars to the boot-leg," one shouted.

"How much do you run to the foot, Slapjack?"

"He's a reg'lar free-milling ledge."

"No, he ain't—he's too thin. He's nothing but a stringer, but he'll pay to work."

The old miner grinned toothlessly.

"Gentlemen, there ain't no better way to save fine gold than with undercurrents an' blanket riffles. I'll have to wash these garments of mine an' clean up the soapsuds 'cause there's a hundred dollars in gold-dus. . . Read More

Community Reviews

It's a bit hard to know how to rate a book like this. If it were written in this day and age, I would only give it one star. It is undoubtedly somewhat sexist and uses racist language in an off-hand way. The writing style is strange to modern ears - very dramatic and overwrought. In a few places, th

Adventure and love story with the associated betrayal and greed hijinks. Good character development and somewhat inspirational in these crazy times we live in. Listened to this while hiking and it made the miles fly by.

Kinda fun, but not really my cup of tea. I found my attention wandering during some of the action scenes (I are a girl), and relationship scenes were pretty hackneyed. I'd say it was sexist in a benign way. It was also racist in a cringey and dated but not particularly malicious way.

The reader's aff

Adventure in the early days of Alaska and the gold rush. Didn't really like the hero. He was just too overbearing, especially when he first meets the heroine. Wanted someone to smack him upside the head. But I guess he redeems himself when he manages to rescue the heroine from a fate worse than deat

Gov’t & banks steal mines from owners. Well narrated by Tom Weiss. Worth the read for the info on the “how”...more

Extremely good read

After watching the old John Wayne Movie I decided to read the novel. I was not disappointed. The descriptions of inner struggle for love and power were insightful and compelling. The flaws of human nature were revealed and the clash of the Titans was colorful and dramatic. It coul

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