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Spinster of This Parish

W. B. Maxwell

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . who would accompany his daughter.

“That girl who looks after her—Louisa Hodson! Can Louisa be trusted?”

“Oh, I hope so,” said Mrs. Verinder, already feeling that nobody was to be trusted, that everybody had bothering secrets which one would find out sooner or later. “Oh, yes, I think Louisa is quite trustworthy. She has been—so far.”

Then they went upstairs once more.

“It is arranged,” he said, “that you shall go to Margaret for a few weeks.”

Miss Verinder said that she would not go. Her face was white, and she spoke in a quiet but rather breathless manner.

“Oh, yes, it is all settled,” said Mr. Verinder curbing himself. Then, as he saw her shake her head negatively, he burst out. “You will do what you are told.”


“Oh, no, I assure you, father, I can’t be treated like this, as if I was a chi. . . Read More