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The Song of Songs

Hermann Sudermann

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The cook ventured to stammer another suggestion.

"Get out!" he thundered.

With that she was outside the door.

Lilly experienced merely a lazy sensation of being startled.

"Nevertheless, I'm curious to know what he means to do with me now," she thought.

But her interest in her own fate was not great.

He walked up and down with a heavy tread. The silver spurs on his heels jingled.

"We'll have some light," he said. "The subject we're now to discuss requires clearness."

He summoned the lackey who had smiled the furtive, cunning smile. The lackey lit the gas jets of the chandelier, and on leaving the room gave Lilly a glance of wildly eager curiosity, this time without a smile.

Lilly still sat on the couch on which she had come back to consciousness, twirling her old hat without a thought in her brain.

In the full light of the chandelier she saw the colonel in all his resplendence stil. . . Read More

Community Reviews

The first 2/3 of this book were amazing and gave me all the WW1/Downton Abbey vibes I was craving, 5 star feels quite honestly. But then that last third happened where it was nothing but sex scene after sex scene and I just needed it to be over. *Queue “DISAPPOINTED” meme*

I don't know what it is about this book that I like it so much, but I do... Read it numerous times and it still always hits the right spot when I'm need of a bit quick fix of romantic saga

This was a LONG book. Took me a full month to read it, but it was good. It was marked by others as a Historical Romance, but I would consider it more WWI fiction. It tells the story of the life of an aristocrat girl who grew to a woman at the time of World War I. The story began when Helena was abou

An engrossing story about the First World War and it's aftermath.

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