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Snow-Bound at Eagle's

Bret Harte

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Snow-Bound at Eagle's | Bret Harte

Snow-Bound at Eagle's

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finite of approach, began to be realized. It now appeared an independent elevation, surrounded on three sides by gorges and watercourses, so narrow as to be overlooked from the principal mountain range, with which it was connected by a long canyon that led to the ridge. At the outlet of this canyon—in bygone ages a mighty river—it had the appearance of having been slowly raised by the diluvium of that river, and the debris washed down from above—a suggestion repeated in miniature by the artificial plateaus of excavated soil raised before the mouths of mining tunnels in the lower flanks of the mountain. It was the realization of a fact—often forgotten by the dwellers in Eagle's Court—that the valley below them, which was their connecting link with the surrounding world, was only reached by ascending the mountain, and the nearest road was over the higher mountain ridge. Never before had this impressed itself so strongly upon the young girl as when she turned that morning to look upon the plateau below her. It seemed to illustrate the conviction that had been slowly shaping itself out of her reflections on the conversation of that morning. It was possible that the perfect understanding of a higher life was only reached from a height still greater, and that to those half-way up the mountain the summit was never as truthfully revealed as to the humbler dwellers in the valley.

I do not know that these profound truths prevented her from gathering some quaint ferns and berries, or from keeping her calm gray eyes open to certain practical changes that were taking place around her. She had noticed a singular thickening in the atmosphere that seemed to prevent the passage of the sun's rays, yet without diminishing the transparent quality of the air. The distant snow-peaks were as plainly seen, though they appeared as if in moonlight. This seemed due to no cloud or mist, but rather to a fading of the sun itsel

Elisabeth 01/20/2024
2.5-ish stars. I have absolutely no idea what the moral of this story was supposed to be, but the descriptions of the landscape and weather and the nitty-gritty of traveling through them on horseback were nice.
Dianne 12/15/2023

This is the first piece of fiction I've read by Bret Hare. It is an easy read, an interesting premise, told in an economic fashion. No flower prose descriptions.
I have now read work by both men who's names make up the name of the Sierra Nevada town of Twain Harte, California. A place that hold

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