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The Sky Pilot's Great Chase

Ambrose Newcomb

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .very loath to obey and doubtless did a lot of grumbling, but Jack paid no further attention to him, just began to creep out on that narrow bridge, and move ahead inches at a time. He dared not look down lest it have some sinister effect upon his nerve—just kept his eyes firmly fixed upon that window toward which he was creeping.

The poor woman was still in sight, wringing her hands and yet evidently satisfied to know her child had been safely carried across the abyss that yawned there so threateningly. Jack would have liked to call out and beg her to keep quiet lest she chance to dislodge one of the frail supports upon which so much depended but he also feared lest he himself in thus shouting cause immediate trouble and defeat his purpose.

The crossing was made in safety. It was simply wonderful how those twin planks held together when the necessity was so great. Jack would never be able to look upon such an humble . . . Read More

Community Reviews

This book is very much of its time — it was published in 1930 — and the plot is extremely unlikely, but it would have appealed to boys, who probably envisioned themselves in the leading role. Jack Ralston is a member of the U.S. Secret Service, who uses the latest of airplanes in his work. He is hel