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The Secret House

Edgar Wallace

Book Overview: 

A stranger and foreigner arrives at the offices of a small publication in London only to be faced by the “editor” whose face is completely swathed in a veil. Nothing is as it seems, and it quickly becomes evident that both are bent on more than lively gossip about the elite. Blackmail and opportunism is the order of the day. When two men are found shot to death outside the door of Mr. Farrington the millionaire who just happens to live a few doors from T. B. Smith, the head of the secret police, the connections to blackmail are not long in coming. Were these men shot by the blackmailer? Who is actually what he seems to be?

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Page_62" id="Page_62">[Pg 62] party at the Jollity," he said; "we can talk matters over. Incidentally, we may challenge Mr. Smith." He smiled, but grew grave again. "I have lost a good friend there"—he looked at the form on the bed; "there is no reason why you should not take his place. Is it true—what you said to-day—that you know something of applied mechanics?"

"I have a diploma issued by the College of Padua," said the other promptly.

[Pg 63]


At precisely ten o'clock, as the curtain came reefing slowly down upon the first act of The Strand Girl, Lady Dinsmore turned with outstretched hand to greet the first of the two men who had just entered the box.

"My dear Count," she exclaimed, "I am disappointed in you! Here I have been paying you really quite tremendous compliments to these young people. I presume you are on Gregory's 'business'?"

"I am desolated!"

Count Poltavo had . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Dnf. I couldn't get into it.

În faţa portalului impunător al palatului Cainbury stătea nehotărât un individ. În acea clădire îşi aveau sediul vreo treizeci de întreprinderi diferite după cum se putea vedea pe firmele de la uşă. Îmbrăcămintea uzată şi ghetele scâlciate ale omului dovedeau cu prisosinţă sărăcia lui. Părea să fie

Major characters:
Montague Fallock, publisher and blackmailer
Count Ernesto Poltavo, his translator
Gregory Farrington, millionaire, uncle to Doris Gray
Lady Constance Dix, his girlfriend
Gorth, his servant
Frank Doughton, journalist
George Doughton, his late father
Doris Gray, Frank’s girlfriend
Lady Patric

Although this is pure Wallace and has a slam and bang finish, I never really got into it, at least not until the last few chapters.

Ο Ουώλλας ανήκει στους συγγραφείς αστυνομικής λογοτεχνίας που αποτυπώνουν στα βιβλία τους με εύστοχο τρόπο την ατμόσφαιρα και τα ήθη της εποχής τους, και αυτός είναι ένας από τους λόγους, ίσως, που θεωρείται ξεπερασμένος ή παρωχημένος. Μόνο που δεν ισχύει σε αυτή τη περίπτωση - το συγκεκριμένο μυθισ

Very good. Blackmailer hides in a mechanized house. Despicable assistant tries to double-cross him. Good abrupt ending.

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