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Ravensdene Court

J. S. Fletcher

Book Overview: 

Leonard Middlebrook, a young attorney with, among other things, a bibliographical interest, accepts an invitation to lonely Ravensdene Court on the Northumbrian coast. There, Francis Raven, the owner, recently retired to the family property after an Indian career, finds himself in possession of an enormous number of old books and other items, and needs help in evaluating them. The attorney, though a man of quiet life -- even dull, as he puts it -- finds himself suddenly at the center of a darkening mystery that stretches from the British Isles to the Far East, and eventually threatens not only him but also the young and spirited Miss Raven, Francis’s niece.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I saw no sign of her near presence.

I determined to tell my gruesome news straight out—Mr. Raven, I felt sure, was not the man to be startled by tidings of sudden death, and I wanted, of set purpose, to see how his companion would take the announcement. So, as I walked up the steps of the terrace, I loudly called my host's name. He turned, saw from my expression that something of moment had happened, and hurried toward me, Cazalette trotting in his rear. I gave a warning look in[52] in the direction of the house and its open windows.

"I don't want to alarm Miss Raven," I said in a low voice, which I purposely kept as matter-of-fact as possible. "Something has happened. You know the man I was telling you of last night—Salter Quick? I found his dead body, half-an-hour ago, on your beach. He has been murdered—stabbed to the heart. Your gamekeeper, Tarver, is with him. Had you not better send for the police?"

I carefully watched . . . Read More

Community Reviews

30 year old Middlebrook, an established antiquarian and expert in books, etc. is invited by the new lord of Ravendene Court, Francis Raven, to evaluate the hundreds of books and manuscripts in his inherited library and work with 80 year old somewhat eccentric character Mr. Cazalette. The invite come

Maybe 2.5 stars by the end of this book as it became more and more annoying to read. Still, I have enjoyed several other books by Fletcher considering these books were written one hundred years ago. This particular story starts off brightly with promise of a mysterious crime to investigate. Things g

3.5 stars
This author was recommended to me by someone in the Golden Age Detection Facebook group. I enjoyed this book, first published in 1922, although it turned out to be more adventure than detection. Fletcher's depiction of the Northumbrian people, the North Sea, and the formidable landscape add

A young man travels to catalogue and organize a massive collection of antiquated books in a large old mansion. Thinking it would be a quiet time, he and the lovely young niece of the owner instead become embroiled in privately investigating a strange murder case involving centuries old thievery of r

The book started promisingly enough, with interesting characters and at least some departure from Fletcher’s usual formula, which does keep for the rest of it. Still, I think if unlike me you’re able to break off reading a book you started, you could rightly nope out after seeing a chapter named Yel

A classic British mystery complete with a young and handsome amateur sleuth, a young and beautiful woman with pluck, buried treasure, a mysterious murder, a kidnapping, stolen jewels, essentially the works. J. S. Fletcher wrote to a formula, but it is a fun and entertaining formula, and so long as o

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