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The Purple Parasol

George Barr McCutcheon

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The Purple Parasol | George Barr McCutcheon

The Purple Parasol

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meet her!

There was but one woman in the room, and she was approaching the door with evident impatience as he entered. Both stopped short, she with a look of surprise, which changed to annoyance and then crept into an nervous, apologetic little smile; he with an unsuppressed ejaculation. She wore a gray skirt, a white waist, and a sailor hat, and she was surpassingly good to look at even in the trying light from the overhead lamp. Instinctively his eye swept over her. She carried on her arm the light gray jacket, and in one hand was the tightly rolled parasol of—he impertinently craned his neck to see—of purple! Mr. Rossiter was face to face with the woman he was to dog for a month, and he was flabbergasted. Even as he stopped, puzzled, before her, contemplating retreat, she spoke to him.

"Did that man send you to me?" she asked nervously, looking through the door beyond and then through a window at his right, quite puzzled, he could see.

"He did, and I was sure he was mistaken. I knew of no one in this God-forsaken place who could be asking for me," said he, collecting his wits carefully and herding them into that one sentence. "But perhaps I can help you. Will you tell me whom I am to look for?"

"It is strange he is not here," she said a little breathlessly. "I wired him just what train to expect me on."

"Your husband?" ventured he admirably.

"Oh, dear, no!" said she quickly.

"I wish she'd wired me what train to expect her on," thought he grimly. "She doesn't know me. That's good. She was expecting Havens and he's missed connections somehow," shot rapidly through his brain. At the same time he was thinking of her as the prettiest woman he had seen in all his life. Then aloud: "I'll look on the platform. Maybe he's lost in this great city. What name shall I call out?"

"Please don't call v

Phil 05/05/2014
"The Purple Parasol" is a shirt story about an unwilling spy who falls for the woman he's unwillingly spying on.

George Barr McCutcheon was a talented writer and he doesn't fail to amuse here, using a imple yet well-constructed plot with a good twist near the end.
Rosecasanova 01/13/2013
I have a first edition of The Purple Parasol in a beautiful painted binding. I thought I would give the book a read based on the beauty of the binding alone. If you like short romance period pieces, this is a quick read that will bring ou back to the turn of the 19th century. It's a case of mistaken

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