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The Purcell Papers - Volume 1

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .coughin', that it al-a-most shuk him out iv the chair he was sittin' in.

'"Ho, ho!" says the squire, stoppin' short about two steps aff, and turnin' round facin' my father, "is it you that's in it?—an' how's all with you, Terry Neil?"

'"At your honour's sarvice," says my father (as well as the fright id let him, for he was more dead than alive), "an' it's proud I am to see your honour to-night," says he.

'"Terence," says the squire, "you're a respectable man" (an' it was thrue for him), "an industhrious, sober man, an' an example of inebriety to the whole parish," says he.

'"Thank your honour," says my father, gettin' courage, "you were always a civil spoken gintleman, God rest your honour."

'"REST my honour?" says the sperit (fairly gettin' red in the face with the madness), "Rest my honour?" says he. "Why, you ignorant spalpeen," says he, "you mane, niggarly ignoramush," says he, "where did you lave your man. . . Read More

Community Reviews


Introduction, by August Derleth ✔
The Purcell Papers:
I. The Ghost and the Bone-Setter 2.5⭐
Il. The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh 4.25⭐
III. The Drunkards Dream 3⭐
IV. The Quare Gander 3.25⭐

The Child that Went with the Fairies 4.25⭐
The White Cat of Drumgunniol 3.25⭐

Ghost Stories of Chapelizod:
I. The

I misteri presi singolarmente non hanno nulla di particolarmente memorabile, storielle gradevoli che però mancano di quell’incisività determinante riscontrabile in testi anche altrettanto semplici ma “più riusciti”. Il punto forte di questo libro è lo stile, che rimanda inevitabilmente a racconti fo

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu zasłużył sobie na miejsce w panteonie klasyków grozy głównie dzięki dwóm utworom - wampirycznej noweli “Carmilli”i i wiktoriańskiej gotyckiej powieści “Stryj Silas”. Warto jednak docenić Irlandczyka również jako autora krótkich form.
“Osobliwe zdarzenia"” to zbiór bardzo różno

Years back, The legendary publishing company Arkham House released Joseph Sheridan LeFanu's best short fiction in a book called Green Tea. It is a great collection. Unfortunately I do not have it. Instead I have the second Arkham House book of LeFanu stories called The Purcell Papers which includes

Stories of varying qualtliy. Some where interesting Ghost Stories, with a couple that were more like Humorous AIrish Anictdotes. I have only "The Mysterious Lodger", which is the longest story, and "The Churchyard Yew", which is acctually a pastiche by August Dereleth to read. A couple of the storie

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu zasłużył sobie na miejsce w panteonie klasyków grozy głównie dzięki dwóm utworom - wampirycznej noweli “Carmilli”i i wiktoriańskiej gotyckiej powieści “Stryj Silas”. Warto jednak docenić Irlandczyka również jako autora krótkich form.
“Osobliwe zdarzenia"” to zbiór bardzo różno

Le fanu is incomparable -- but the arkham house edition is not the reading version you want. August Derleth's editing is untrustworthy to the point of including one of his own pastiches. Of interest only to the collector.

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