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The Postmaster's Daughter
Louis Tracy
Book Overview:
A charming mystery story set in the early 1900s which is as much about the townspeople, sleuths and other colorful characters as it is about the murder. Filled with comic antics of Scotland Yard fellows, local police, and residents of the town, keeps the murder ever elusive. The "whodunit" is maintained until the very end and the laughter keeps going even after the mystery is solved.
A charming mystery story set in the early 1900s which is as much about the townspeople, sleuths and other colorful characters as it is about the murder. Filled with comic antics of Scotland Yard fellows, local police, and residents of the town, keeps the murder ever elusive. The "whodunit" is maintained until the very end and the laughter keeps going even after the mystery is solved.
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"What in Heaven's name are you driving at?"
"You must not impute motives, sir. I am seeking them, not supplying them."
"But what am I to say?"
"Perhaps you will now tell me just how Miss Melhuish and you parted."
The fencers were coming to close quarters. Even P. C. Robinson had to admit that his "boss" had cornered the suspect rather cleverly.
Grant realized that there. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Not a bad yarn set in very rural Sussex with a lot of "Oo Ar" type of dialogue. A famous actress is found dead in the river on the property of her former lover who is immediately fancied by the locals as the murderer. Detectives Furneaux and Winter from Scotland Yard are sent to investigate. They ar
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Thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, which was written almost a hundred years back. Nice, clean story set in the delightful environs of early twentieth century England. A pleasant, cosy mystery. Hope to check out another Louis Tracy book soon.