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Political Ideals

Bertrand Russell

Book Overview: 

This is a book by the famous 20th century British philosopher Bertrand Russell on Political Ideals. It was written during the course of World War 1 and contains a critique on the politico economic situation of then Europe. What is interesting is that some of his beliefs are still relevant today.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .in matters which do not really concern the majority. We should none of us like to have the internal affairs of Great Britain settled by a parliament of the world, if ever such a body came into existence. Nevertheless, there are matters which such a body could settle much better than any existing instrument of government.

The theory of the legitimate use of force in human affairs, where a government exists, seems clear. Force should only be used against those who attempt to use force against others, or against those who will not respect the law in cases where a common decision is necessary and a minority are opposed to the action of the majority. These seem legitimate occasions for the use of force; and they should be legitimate occasions in international affairs, if an international government existed. The problem of the legitimate occasions for the use of force in the absence of a government is a different one, with which we are not at present concerned. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This was a lecture that Russell wrote during the first world war, and thus, contained vital tokens of his political thought along with romantic language he used to encourage. I chose to read this because I am endlessly interested in Russell's critique of BOTH ideologies of conservatism and socialism

I'm always happy to read Bertrand. Easy five stars, as usual.

If you told me this was published recently I’d believe you

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Political Ideals is a long lecture that Bertrand Russell was banned from giving (I believe at a university), but which one of his friends read in his stead, and his friend only afterward credited Russell as the writer of the lecture. His friend did this for him because he thought, apparently, the le

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