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A Poetical Cook-Book

Maria J. Moss

Book Overview: 

This is an interesting mix of recipes and poetry about cookery and food. The author has written this book during and in the aftermath of the civil war in the United States. The recipes are sound and can be used still today, and the poetry is an interesting collection of short excerpts and poems by all famous poets.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .You must consider the thickness, not the weight.

[30]Obs. The thinnest part of the fish is the fattest, and if you have a “grand gourmand” at table, ask him if he is for thick or thin.

Lobster sauce and rye bread should be eaten with boiled salmon.


But soon, like lobster boil’d, the morn
From black to red began to turn.

Those of the middle size are best. The male lobster is preferred to eat, and the female to make sauce of. Set on a pot with water, salted in proportion of a tablespoonful of salt to a quart of water. When the water boils, put it in, and keep it boiling briskly from half an hour to an hour, according to its size; wipe all the scum off it, and rub the shell with a little butter or sweet oil, break off the great claws, crack them carefully in each joint, so that they may not be shattered, and yet come to pieces easily, cut the tail down the middle, a. . . Read More