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The Pivot of Civilization

Margaret Sanger

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The reports on infant mortality published under the direction of the Children's Bureau substantiate for the United States of America the findings of the Galton Laboratory for Great Britain, showing that an abnormally high rate of fertility is usually associated with poverty, filth, disease, feeblemindedness and a high infant mortality rate. It is a commonplace truism that a high birth-rate is accompanied by a high infant-mortality rate. No longer is it necessary to dissociate cause and effect, to try to determine whether the high birth rate is the cause of the high infant mortality rate. It is sufficient to know that they are organically correlated along with other anti-social factors detrimental to individual, national and racial welfare. The figures presented by Hibbs (2) likewise reveal a much higher infant mortality rate for the later born children of large families.

The statistics which show that the greatest number of children are born to parents whose ea. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Ignore all the kneejerk reactions and consider that this book is primarily promoting birth control NOT abortion. Margaret Sanger was largely against abortion, except in the case of emergencies. She also had some harsh words in this book about many of the functions of modern-day Planned Parenthood.


I am pro-choice and pro-birth control, but do not like Margaret Sangers embodiment of the white supremacy. She is careful to use the term "feebleminded" so not to alert people of which specific groups she does not think should procreate, but it's clear it's minorities and immigrants whose birthrate

A book that exposes the harsh reality and conditions that both poor and middle-class women and children were subjected to at the time. Some of the topics it covers are the lack of maternity leave, infant mortality rates, lack of childcare forcing women into almost slavelike lives, lack of sexual edu

This is a very insightful read into the mind of Margaret Sanger. She states her errant philosophies cogently and with passion. And though I disagree vehemently with her now I understand the why of what she believed in. It is important to note that she came up during one of the lowest points and dark

This was pretty poor over all and I don't say that lightly because I've read Marx. Mathusian crack pot of the first degree. Sanger certainly has some valid criticisms, but of course history has shown how wrong she was about the 'problem' of overpopulation. Not only is the worlds population something

An awakening into betrayal

The reader will find a new concept for what they thought they knew about Margaret Sanger. Her darker side she openly held in the public as armour will shock you.

I have noticed that certain words have become enders of intelligent discussion. Among these words are racist, fascist, Nazi, and eugenicist. Once they are wielded, intelligent discussion ends and the hurling of invective begins. Such words are so potent that they even are capable of ending intellige

it was recommended to me to read this book as research on the current planned parenthood debate. I would recommend that more people read this document written by the founder of planned parenthood. Ms. Sanger did not promote abortion. she promotes birth control and women's health. she was a huge prop

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