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Amy Le Feuvre

Book Overview: 

Little Betty is lonely being the "odd" one . . . her older siblings are paired up and so are her younger brothers. As Betty seeks the companionship of older people, she slowly begins to turn their hearts toward God. All the while she longs for "tribulation", having learned that she "must have it if I'm to get to heaven"

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .he walked along a road, and then she saw a church, so she thought that must be a good place, and she went inside. The church was dark, and cool, and still, but it was lovely; and there were red and blue and yellow and green and violet sunbeams, and beautiful painted windows, and white marble figures all about, and it was so still that you felt you must hush and walk on tiptoe. And then, what do you think she saw?'

All eyes were on Betty now, as she sank her voice to an impressive whisper.

'She saw a little girl fast asleep!'

'Go on,' said Douglas impatiently, as Betty made another pause.

'So the angel thought she would sing to her; so she went up very softly to the big organ, and began to play it, and then she began to sing. It was lovely. She sang like she did in heaven, and the little girl woke up and listened.'

'What did she sing about?' asked Molly.

'She sang about heaven, and all the . . . Read More

Community Reviews

A sweet children's book about a girl ~6 years old.

În limba română, cartea are ca titlu "Fetița care vrea să ajungă în Rai". Mi se pare un titlu foarte bine adaptat.

Betty este un copil sensibil și mereu lăsată deoparte din jocurile fraților ei mai mici sau mai mari până când primește un cățel pentru a avea și ea "o pereche".

Inocența lui Betty urmăr

Odd is a story told from the perspective of a young child, Betty, but through the lens of her experiences actually tells the story of the adults around her. Without giving away too much, Betty is used by God to help others as she works through the very deep subject of her “text” from Rev 7:14. Betty

Great book!

I picked this at random from a list of my books. I truly believe that this was sent to me by the One Who sends us what we are in desperate need of!

Probably would have given this three stars except for the fact that I ended the book crying. I can handle books that make me cry--not so much books that end by making me cry. Just a personal preference, obviously, but still...

As usual, Amy Le Feuvre crafts a main character who is unique, engaging, a

I read an old, American edition, titled 'The Odd One', beautifully illustrated by Mary Lathbury. About the escapades of a little girl, half angel, half tomboy, who feels she does not belong.

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