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Not that it Matters

A. A. Milne

Book Overview: 

Not That It Matters is a collection of over 40 of these short stories and articles. Not That It Matters collects his columns for Punch, which include poems, essays and short stories. Most of his writing pokes fun, both gentle and not so gentle at a variety of topics.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .effect, the sea, without wishing to throw stones into it, the physical pleasure of the effort and the aesthetic pleasure of the splash combining to produce perfect contentment. So by the margin of the pool the same desires stir within one, and because ants' eggs do not splash, and look untidy on the surface of the water, there must be a gleam of gold and silver to put the crown upon one's pleasure.

Perhaps when you have been feeding the goldfish you have not thought of it like that. But at least you must have wondered why, of all diets, they should prefer ants' eggs. Ants' eggs are, I should say, the very last thing which one would take to without argument. It must be an acquired taste, and, this being so, one naturally asks oneself how goldfish came to acquire it.

I suppose (but I am lamentably ignorant on these as on all other matters) that there was a time when goldfish lived a wild free life of their own. They roamed the se. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Judging from the comments made by others here, I may need to revisit this series of essays someday. But as it was, I just didn't find myself very interested in them the other night and set the book aside for something else.

Rating: 3,5 stars

A collection of short stories about everything and nothing.

Writing style of A. A. Milne sits very well with me. Fun, bit sarcastic and thoughtful.

It was a pleasure to dip in and out of this stories throughout two afternoons although they were a bit too short for me to get emotion

Not That It Matters is a collection of essays that a appeared in a variety of newspapers at the beginning of the last century, sort of an upper class, mild mannered Dave Barry of the 20’s. Many were charming and generally humorous in gentle, whimsical way, as you might expect from the author of Winn

These lovely little essays about everything (and at the same time nothing in particular) are perfect for whiling away a quiet afternoon with a cup of coffee. Even if you're not currently experiencing a quiet afternoon with a cup of coffee, Milne's sweet flow of prose will help you feel as if you are

Milne was a well-known and prolific writer of books, essays, and plays before he wrote the Winnie-the-Pooh stories and poems in the mid-1920s. This 1919 collection of lighthearted essays, originally published in Punch, holds up better than most humor of the era. I groaned when I saw in the table of

… which is such a very apt title for this absolutely wonderful collection of short essays by AA Milne. Because the topics of all of these essays are things that don’t really matter (or at least most people wouldn’t think they do): why daffodils are the best flowers of spring, the pitfalls of playing

'Not that it matters' is a collection of Milne's early writing, a small selection of his articles between 1910 and 1912. The articles, or shall we say essays, vary on topics from chess, lunch, sorting one's library, snobbery, cricket, and alcohol. Really, you've got such differing themes and some th

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