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George M. Baker

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Faro," and named it arter hisself, how he had a darter what found a baby floating in a creek, and called it "Moses;" and, as I warnt goin' back on scripter, I named our little one Moses too.

Mother. And, as that was not a girl's name, I changed it to Moselle.

Vermont. That was too Frenchy for the boys; so they split the dif, and called her Mosey.

Mother. And Mosey is just worshipped by the boys. I believe, if you would let them, they would cover her with gold.

Vermont (rising). Likely. But, when I washed that nugget outer the creek, I staked a claim in which I wanted no partners. Says I, "Vermont, here's a chance for you to use your dust, and don't you forget it." I believe the angels dropped one of their little sisters into the creek, to make an ugly old sinner ashamed of his wickedness. (Passes his arm across his eyes.) Widder, you've been a mother to her, and a good one.

Mother. And you, the best of fathers. Every year . . . Read More

Community Reviews

A nice, easy read and a sweet story, although the ending was super rushed.

Loved it

Family can be a pain sometimes when they are over protective but they are always there for you awesome book family and love are the best things


She’s the youngest child, a daughter and has two older over protective brothers. She strikes out on her own and hires an ex on, but he’s really innocent and afraid of ant new relationship.

Pretty good

It was a decent story. Not too remarkable. But good. Shows a bbw and ex Don can do ok. But needed to show who was bad guy.


Nevada is finally going to stand up to her brothers and use her inheritance. Her grandmother left her a small spread with a house and a few outbuildings. Tanner came to the ranch to see about work and was turned away. But she decided to go after him and hire him. He had a past. Can they make it

Don’t dwell on the past.

The people came to life in the descriptions and storyline. Tanner was so true to what many men would feel after life had been so rough.

So sweet

This is a traditional romance story that I highly recommend. It has everything in it, family , love , a sweet heroine and let's not forget sexy cowboys !! Joann and Patricia tell wonderful stories and I look forward to new ones all the time.

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