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The Nabob, Volume 1

Alphonse Daudet

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .And her musical, listless voice, in which something seemed to have broken, the utter indifference of her whole bearing showed that it was true, that she cared for nothing on earth.

Jenkins went away in sore perplexity, with clouded brow. But as soon as he had passed the door he resumed his smiling, cordial manner, being one of those men who wear a mask on the street. The mist, still visible in the neighborhood of the Seine, was reduced to a few floating shreds, which gave an air of vapory unsubstantiality to the houses on the quay, to the steam-boats of which only the paddle-wheels could be seen, and to the distant horizon, where the dome of the Invalides hovered like a gilded balloon, whose netting shed rays of light. The increasing warmth, the activity in the quarter indicated that noon was not far away and that it would soon be announced by the ringing of all the bells.

Before calling upon the Nabob, however, Jenkins had another call to make. But it seemed to. . . Read More

Community Reviews

J'étais déjà grande admiratrice de Daudet avant de lire "Le Nabab". C'est un roman plutôt confectionné, peut-être le plus artificiel de toutes ses oeuvres que j'ai lues, mais néanmoins il m'a beaucoup plû. Le récit rappelle Dickens, mais plus sec, moins sentimental, et aussi avec les personnages net

The Nabob doesn't warrant reading by anyone who has no broader purpose in doing so (I did). Daudet was quite successful in his day, a much lesser French Dickens. In The Nabob he writes fluidly and somewhat romantically about a nouveau riche Frenchman (originally from the south of France, like Daudet

Don't have too much to add to Trent's introduction (though it was written in 1902), in that it's a pretty sharp portrait of the Second Empire, about a guy who gets rich too fast to realize what it's going to mean when people find out about it. Worth reading for all the diachronic excitement of findi