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The Mysteries of Marseilles

Emile Zola

Book Overview: 

The elopement of Philippe Cayol, an aspiring liberal, poor and untitled with Blanche De Cazalis, niece of a powerful millionaire and politician sets the stage in this novel full of twists and turns with villains a plenty. Philippe's brother Marius strives to protect the two lovers from the De Cazalis' uncontrolled fury. Although written in his youth Zola's signature style, his indignation about injustice and his vivid characterization of the noble, the wealthy and common man is very evident in this non stop adventure.

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Community Reviews

Très bonne découverte. J'ai été surprise par le style plus concis du jeune Zola.
Roman feuilleton très prenant et intéressant.
J'ai apprécié ma lecture.

"I misteri di Marsiglia" di Émile Zola,1867, scritto in contemporanea con il romanzo Teresa Raquin.
Il romanzo risente del fatto che è un feuilleton, fu pubblicato a puntate su Le Messager de Provence. Questo perchè alcuni episodi parentetici appaiono distoglienti dalla linea narrativa principale se

This was originally serialised in a magazine; just when you think everything is going to be resolved, a fresh tangent is added. Zola has much to say about the lack of morality and meritocracy in the rich and wealth giving the illusion of superiority. I admit I skimmed much of these chapters simply b

This is a helluva good story! This borders on Victor Hugo, it is rollicking, adventurous, and a real stem-winder from start to finish. There are villains, there are some really good characters, and there is some awesome history about France in the late-1840s. We have an elopement, pregnancy, a fortu

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