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Knut Hamsun

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .im with pity for mortals under[xxx] the same spell, and he steps aside to be a brave, encouraging chorus, or a kindly chronicler of others’ lives. And his reward is the love of a greater divinity, the goddess of field and homestead. No will-o’-the-wisp, but a presence of wisdom and calm.






Marie van Loos, housekeeper at the Vicarage, stands by the kitchen window looking out far up the road. She knows the couple there by the fence—knows them indeed, seeing ’tis no other than Telegraph-Rolandsen, her own betrothed, and Olga the parish clerk’s daughter. It is the second time she has seen those two together this spring—now what does it mean? Save that Jomfru van Loos had a host of things to do just now, she would have gone straight up to them that moment and demanded an explanation.

. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A simple but well told tale about a man, an unlikely love and dreams of greater things.
This novella consists of many things, drinking, fighting and inventing...
Thieving, love and romance....
Religion, persecution and the importance of love, loving and above all, hope.
It asks of the reader, what woul

My enjoyment of "Dreamers" increased with every page until, after turning the last one, I felt nearly giddy, head spinning from the charm of it all — a bit like falling in love for the first time. It's not that "Dreamers" is a great book, it's that it does a lot with a little and surprises you along

I’ll make my excuses right now - Dreamers is a tough book to review. An easy book to write a dissertation about, but a hard one to sum up in a few paragraphs (especially without too many spoilers). One thing should be pointed out at the start though - whilst a translated work written in 1904 by a No

Knut Hamsun's Dreamers is like a strange dream rendered into a stranger reality, as one man, Ove Rolandsen, takes on a whole village to satisfy his needs of love and recognition. His actions are not guided exclusively by selfishness, but from some incomprehensible inclination to act. Of course, the

I shall begin my review, somewhat controversially, with my conclusion: Dreamers is a good book. The story holds the reader’s attention and is well paced throughout and contains resonating, interesting characters. Meanwhile the style of writing never intrudes upon the story, though it never stands ou

‘Summer is the time for dreaming, and then you have to stop. But some people go on dreaming all their lives, and cannot change.

Hamsun has always favored the eccentrics. Those set apart from society by their volatile nature, the mysterious strangers whose behavior and whims set an entire village ups

Sprogligt det viltreste af Hamsun, jeg har læst. Men han fortjener buksevand for den vattede slutning.

Yine bir kitaplık düzenlemesi sonucu dikkatimi çekip okuduğum eskiden kalmış bir kitap. Nobelli Hamsun'un daha minör eserlerinden olarak anılıyormuş bu novella. İçinde 1900'lerin başında Norveç kırsalındaki bir köydeki insan ilişkileri, doğanın insanlar üzerindeki etkileri, uçarı baş karakterin iniş

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