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Mary Louise Solves a Mystery

L. Frank Baum

Book Overview: 

In this, the third book of the series, Mary Louise and her Grandfather happen upon a mysterious pair of Americans whilst travelling in Italy. Jason Jones is a failed artist, and his companion is his daughter, Alora, an heiress. When the girl is kidnapped, truths stemming back to the time of her parents’ marriage are brought to light by Mary Louise and her friend Josie O’Gorman.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Her silken gown was very "fashionable," somewhat too modish for good taste, for it was elaborately trimmed and embroidered. She wore considerable jewelry, including diamonds; her shoes were elegant and her hose daintily clocked; her hat must have been a French milliner's choicest creation. If good clothes could make Janet Orme a lady, there was no question of her social standing, yet even little Alora felt that Janet was out of her element—that she fell short, in some vague way, of being what she was ambitious to appear.

"So," said the nurse, glancing around the room with frank disdain, "this is where you hang out, Jason, is it?"

Alora's father confronted the woman with a menacing frown.

"What do you mean by coming here?" he demanded.

"I had two reasons," she answered carelessly, seating herself in the only easy chair the room contained. "In the first place, I wanted to see how a rich man lives."

"Well, you see, don't you?" a mutt. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This is like reading giallo lite for kids--relatively violent, but no murders. Part of it is even set in Italy, and a character gets locked in a grape shed for several days. I could see Dario Argento doing something with this if he ever wanted to go back to the vein of his "Animals" trilogy. Stephen

this one had me in suspense! except not so much.

This is the third in a series of girl detective novels L. Frank Baum created featuring Mary Louise Burrows and her friend Josie O'Gorman. They appear fairly late in the book with the beginning given over to the sad story of Alora Jones. Her wealthy mother dies when she is 10, leaving Alora and her i