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A Marriage at Sea

William Clark Russell

Book Overview: 

Herbert Barclay is desperately in love with Grace Bellassys, but a number of factors stand in the way of their happiness, the biggest of which is the person of Lady Amelia Roscoe, Grace's guardian. Lady Amelia has several objections to the union, one of which is the fact that Herbert is not a Papist, and to separate the two young people, she has sent Grace to school in France. The two decide to elope, but this is just the start of the adventure.

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Book Excerpt: 
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"I hope, Miss," said Caudel, pulling off his Scotch cap, "as how I see you well this morning, freed of that there nausey as Mr. Barclay was a telling me you suffered from?"

"I trust to get used to the sea quickly—the motion of the yacht is not what I like," she answered, with her face averted from him, taking a peep at me to observe if I saw that she felt ashamed and would not confront him.

He perceived this too, and knuckling his forehead said, "It's but a little of the sea ye shall have, miss, if so be it lies in my power to keep this here Spitfire awalking," and so speaking he moved off, singing out some idle order as he did so by way of excusing his abrupt departure.

"I wish we were quite alone, Herbert," said my sweetheart, drawing me to the yacht's rail.

"So do I, my own, but not here—not in the middle of the sea."

"I did not think of bringing a veil—your men stare so.". . . Read More

Community Reviews

Could've been a short story. He stretched it too thin.

Dopo la lettura di "Abandoned" ho cercato altri romanzi di WCR. Questo mi ha deluso un po'. Certo, le descrizioni dei personaggi sono sempre efficaci, ma la storia lascia, a mio parere, a desiderare. Tutto ruota intorno alla questione se davvero, come si è abituati a credere, il capitano di una nave

It can't be all bad. I just wrote it into a short story. A copy was a character's prized possession and it was stolen by a mermaid. There ya go.

I remember being exactly Grace's age when I picked up this book. My copy is signed to Austin from Aunt El--six squiggles and an A. A christmas present from