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Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman

Mary Wollstonecraft

Book Overview: 

Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman is Mary Wollstonecraft's unfinished novelistic sequel to her revolutionary political treatise A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. It was published posthumously by her husband, William Godwin. Maria revolves around the story of a woman imprisoned in an insane asylum by her husband, and focuses on the societal rather than the individual "wrongs of woman". Publicised at the same time as Wollstonecraft's memoirs, both were considered scandalous. Not until the 20th century was the novel considered an important historical and feminist work. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .And woman, lovely woman!—they charm everywhere—still there is a degree of prudery, and a want of taste and ease in the manners of the American women, that renders them, in spite of their roses and lilies, far inferior to our European charmers. In the country, they have often a bewitching simplicity of character; but, in the cities, they have all the airs and ignorance of the ladies who give the tone to the circles of the large trading towns in England. They are fond of their ornaments, merely because they are good, and not because they embellish their persons; and are more gratified to inspire the women with jealousy of these exterior advantages, than the men with love. All the frivolity which often (excuse me, Madam) renders the society of modest women so stupid in England, here seemed to throw still more leaden fetters on their charms. Not being an adept in gallantry, I found that I could only keep myself awake in their company by making downright love to th. . . Read More

Community Reviews

What I find super frustrating about this novel's rating on GR is that people are incredibly eager to shriek, "FEMINIST PROPAGANDA," when they see "Woman" in the title and open the book to find stories about working-class women being abused by men.

"All men are villains in this novel!" you cry.



Resulta supremamente extraño leer a una autora del siglo XVIII; aunque sólo 25 años separan a esta novela de “Orgullo y Prejuicio”, y tan solo 7 de cuando Austen empezó a escribir “Sentido y Sensibilidad”, se siente una enorme diferencia.
Decía hace unos días que leer clásicos me genera un gran apren

"[...] and he, still the master of his own fate, enjoys the smiles of a world, that would brand her with infamy, did she, seeking consolation, venture to retaliate."

Oh, dear Mary Wollstonecraft. Such a brilliant mind. So ahead of her time. It's a shame she never got to finish this book.

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