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The Man Who Fell Through the Earth

Carolyn Wells

Book Overview: 

A lawyer is leaving his office on the top floor of an office building. He sees the shadows of two men fighting through the clouded glass of an office door followed by a shot from the office across the hall. He goes to investigate. He finds no sign of either victim or assailant despite the fact that no one could have passed him in the hallway without being seen. A murder has been committed, that of the banker. Who is the murderer? A business associate, the banker’s beautiful ward, or a mysterious woman who had been in the office earlier? And what part, if any, was played by the amnesia victim pulled from the river; a man who insists that his earliest memory is of falling through a hole in the earth?

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . wishes his benefactions kept quiet.”

“What are his tastes?” I asked, casually.


“Simple in the extreme. He rarely takes a vacation, and though his home is on a magnificent scale, he doesn’t entertain very much. I have heard that Miss Raynor pleads in vain for him to be more of a society man.”

“She is his ward?”

“Yes; no relation, although she calls him uncle. I believe he was a college chum of Miss Raynor’s father, and when the girl was left alone in the world, he took her to live with him, and took charge of her fortune.”

“A large one?”

“Fairly so, I believe. Enough to tempt the fortune-hunters, anyway, and Mr. Gately frowns on any young man who approaches him with a request for Olive Raynor’s hand.”

“Perhaps the caller today was a suitor.”

“Oh, I hardly think a man would come armed on such . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Prou diferent i interessant llegir una novel·la negra escrita per una dona de finals del segle xix. És una història entretinguda, amb prou girs de guió i de lectura molt ràpida i amena.

Us imagineu com seria un llibre de l'Agatha Christie o de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, tan clàssics, tan britànics, escrit a l'estil americà? No cal que hi penseu més, seria aquest: L'home que va caure a través de la terra.

Publicat el 1919, amb l'estètica novaiorquesa d'edificis alts i homes ben vestits

Let's hover between 3 and 3.5 stars, shall we? The story begins with a nice little mystery, a mostly-locked room (!) in which a murder is heard to have occurred, but upon finally gaining entry, the only witness to the events can find no murder weapon, no murderer, and no murder victim - just the sme

Interesting to read books from another era and consider them in the context of modern writing.

Carolyn Wells, prolific novelist and poet, was a librarian who married the heir to the Houghton-Mifflin publishing empire and wrote more than 170 books before dying in 1942. One of hr best known fictional detectives was Fleming Stone; another was Pennington wise. The Man who fell Through the Earth i

Love the characters of this yet another enticing murder-mystery tale. I definitely grew addicted to this author's works!

I enjoyed this unique mystery. Another gem by this wonderful author. No spoilers here! The Man Who Fell Through the Earth: A Pennington Wise Mystery, is not one to miss.

The Man Who Fell Through the Earth : A Pennington Wise Mystery (Pennington Wise #2)
by Carolyn Wells

Brilliant mystery - love these well written tales.

One of mt favourite sets.

A good seemingly closed room mystery that kept me reading from start to finish. A lawyer and friend of detective Penny Wise starts to leave his office and notices heated words coming from the offices across from his. Through the frosted glass, it soon looks like a scuffle and finally, a gunshot! Fro

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