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The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales

Bret Harte

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The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales | Bret Harte

The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales

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A collection of short stories from Bret Harte
5 id="id00342">A MODERN INDIAN NOVEL


It was toward the close of a bright October day. The last rays of the setting sun were reflected from one of those sylvan lakes peculiar to the Sierras of California. On the right the curling smoke of an Indian village rose between the columns of the lofty pines, while to the left the log cottage of Judge Tompkins, embowered in buckeyes, completed the enchanting picture.

Although the exterior of the cottage was humble and unpretentious, and in keeping with the wildness of the landscape, its interior gave evidence of the cultivation and refinement of its inmates. An aquarium, containing goldfishes, stood on a marble centre-table at one end of the apartment, while a magnificent grand piano occupied the other. The floor was covered with a yielding tapestry carpet, and the walls were adorned with paintings from the pencils of Van Dyke, Rubens, Tintoretto, Michael Angelo, and the productions of the more modern Turner, Kensett, Church, and Bierstadt. Although Judge Tompkins had chosen the frontiers of civilization as his home, it was impossible for him to entirely forego the habits and tastes of his former life. He was seated in a luxurious armchair, writing at a mahogany escritoire, while his daughter, a lovely young girl of seventeen summers, plied her crotchet-needle on an ottoman beside him. A bright fire of pine logs flickered and flamed on the ample hearth.

Genevra Octavia Tompkins was Judge Tompkins's only child. Her mother had long since died on the Plains. Reared in affluence, no pains had been spared with the daughter's education. She was a graduate of one of the principal seminaries, and spoke French with a perfect Benicia accent. Peerlessly beautiful, she was dressed in a white moire antique robe trimmed with tulle. That simple rosebud, with whic

Marti 06/11/2015
I've become fascinated with this whole period of American History (ie. The Goldrush) which is why I decided to finally read this. What I did not realize is that Harte actually blazed the trail for the kind of writing in which the characters were ordinary Americans who cursed a lot, a genre which was
Bob 03/12/2015
Mark Twain and Charles Dickens thought Bret Harte was the king of western American literature, yet their works are much better known today than his. Harte's stories and characters could justifiably be seen as the inspiration for O. Henry and Damon Runyon but, again, they are household names and his
Patricia 02/09/2008
Fascinating historical fiction. It really puts you there (and I'm partial to it because it's not only the history of my state, but the general areas that I've known my entire life).
Brent 01/15/2008
Kind of a Mark Twain for California.

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