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Louisa Pallant

Henry James

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Kursaal; I arranged that we should dine together, after the Homburg fashion, at the same table d'hote; and during several days this revived familiar intercourse continued, imitating intimacy if not quite achieving it. I was pleased, as my companions passed the time for me and the conditions of our life were soothing—the feeling of summer and shade and music and leisure in the German gardens and woods, where we strolled and sat and gossiped; to which may be added a vague sociable sense that among people whose challenge to the curiosity was mainly not irresistible we kept quite to ourselves. We were on the footing of old friends who still had in regard to each other discoveries to make. We knew each other's nature but didn't know each other's experience; so that when Mrs. Pallant related to me what she had been "up to," as I called it, for so many years, the former knowledge attached a hundred interpretative footnotes—as if I had been editing an author who prese. . . Read More

Community Reviews

An American touring Europe with his wealthy nephew encounters a woman who once rejected him. Now it’s her daughter’s turn to trap the younger man into an engagement. The writing is, of course, excellent (as James’s always is), but this isn’t perhaps his best story.

“It is my belief that it does not o

I woke up in the middle of the night and reread Henry James' brilliant story Louisa Pallant. The main character and narrator, who's name we never come to know, is an old bachelor once jilted by the title character, who chose someone seemingly more prosperous - though sadly Mr.Pallant lost his fortun

I have met a Linda in my life before, how very intriguing and captivating henry James’ writing really is !