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The Lost Continent

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Book Overview: 

The novel, set in the year 2137, was heavily influenced by the events of World War I. In the future world depicted in the novel, Europe has descended into barbarism while an isolationist Western Hemisphere remains sheltered from the destruction. The title Beyond Thirty refers to the degree of longitude that inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere are forbidden to pass.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .English people were famed of old for their hospitality toward visiting mariners. As we approached the mouth of the bay I looked for the fishing craft which I expected to see emerging thus early in the day for their labors. But even after we rounded Ram Head and were well within the waters of the bay I saw no vessel. Neither was there buoy nor light nor any other mark to show larger ships the channel, and I wondered much at this.

The coast was densely overgrown, nor was any building or sign of man apparent from the water. Up the bay and into the River Tamar we motored through a solitude as unbroken as that which rested upon the waters of the Channel. For all we could see, there was no indication that man had ever set his foot upon this silent coast.

I was nonplused, and then, for the first time, there crept over me an intuition of the truth.

Here was no sign of war. As far as this portion of the Devon coast was concerned, that . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Undoubtedly the pro-isolationist sentiment that gripped the United States at the prior to and after the commencement of World War I has much to do with the inspiring theme of this story. Set in the year 2137, this might be the only narrative by this author that would nudge the genre of science ficti

This is a relatively short and somewhat overlooked pulp science fiction adventure written early in Burroughs' career near the beginning of the first World War. It's a post-apocalyptic story about a young military officer who is stranded in a forbidden zone and the events that befalls him as he is sw

A relatively obscure but enjoyable little book, very similar in both plot and structure to A Princess of Mars - except that instead of finding himself marooned on the Red Planet, our hero here finds himself stranded in 2137 Europe, two hundred years after an endless "Great War" and the severance of

By 1916, Edgar Rice Burroughs was already a popular and regular contributor to the pulp periodicals of the day. Though a late starter--his first work, the John Carter story "Under the Moons of Mars," was serialized in "All-Story Magazine" in 1912, when Burroughs was 36--his output increased rapidly,

Napisan u vrijeme dok je Amerika vodila politiku izolacionizma (1915., objavljen 1916.) nasuprot Europi koja je bila već duboko zašla u Veliki rat, ovaj roman odiše upravo takvom atmosferom iako se radnja događa oko 200 godina u budućnosti. Granice svijeta po kojem se dozvoljeno kretati i gdje živi

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