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Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories

Oscar Wilde

Book Overview: 

Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories is a collection of short semi-comic mystery stories. This collection exemplifies Wilde's sharp wit and dark humour. Stories in this collection include Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The Canterville Ghost, The Sphinx Without a Secret, The Model Millionaire, and The Portrait Of Mr W H

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .crêpe-de-chine, and her large leaf-shaped fan, she looked like one of those delicate little figures men find in the olive-woods near Tanagra; and there was a touch of Greek grace in her pose and attitude.  Yet she was not petite.  She was simply perfectly proportioned—a rare thing in an age when so many women are either over life-size or insignificant.

Now as Lord Arthur looked at her, he was filled with the terrible pity that is born of love.  He felt that to marry her, with the doom of murder hanging over his head, would be a betrayal like that of Judas, a sin worse than any the Borgia had ever dreamed of.  What happiness could there be for them, when at any moment he might be called upon to carry out the awful prophecy written in his hand?  What manner of life would be theirs while Fate still held this fearful fortune in the scales?  The marriage must be postponed, at all costs.  Of this he was quite resolved.  Ardently thoug. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I saw this book at the library and just randomly decided to give it a try! Some stories I really enjoyed (my favourite being Lord Arthur Savile's Crime) but others were kind of a let down.

overall rating:
ೃ༄ ➳ 3.5 stars

Lord Arthur Savile's Crime - 4.25✰

Woah, I was pleasantly surprised by this first st

"Iar povestirile din volumul pe care vi-l punem la dispozitie sunt bijuterii ale literaturii, la care nu stii ce sa admiri mai intai: umorul - uneori negru, ironia fina, fantezia luxurianta sau satira muscatoare?" spunea scriitorul George Arion despre cartea de fata.
Legat de prima povestire, "Crima

A collection of five of Oscar Wilde’s classic short stores. For the most part - 4/5 - I really enjoyed these. Arthur Saville was interesting, Sphinx and Millionaire were short and sweet, but my favourite was definitely The Canterville Ghost. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy the last story in the collec

Caricaturas Sociais

Wilde adora pôr a ridículo a sociedade inglesa e socorre-se de todos os subterfúgios para o fazer!
A sua imaginação fértil alia-se à sua língua afiada e o resultado é invariavelmente brilhante

There is a sadness that permeates all of the stories of Oscar Wilde which is hard to define...I truly believe that at some point in the future he will be "discovered" by a new generation...making him much more widely read than he is currently. All of the stories in this book are good examples of his

Una fotoreseña de una edición que vale mucho la pena tener.

Oscar Wilde es mi escritor favorito y uno de mis proyectos es irme haciendo poco a poco con todas sus obras ya sea ensayo, obra de teatro y cuentos. Esta edición es una de sus obras más conocidas y cuenta con cuatro relatos donde se muestra

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