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The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours

Henry Dircks

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Chester held out, and was not delivered on the second, as was confidently written hither out of North Wales by some that desired it should not be relieved; but it will infallibly be lost if the succours be not speedily sent.”

And also writes desiring to be informed when the shipping and men will be in readiness.

Again the Earl addressed the Lord Lieutenant on the 24th:—[J]

“May it please your Excellency,

“I am now setting foot in stirrup for Waterford, having made an embargo of all the shipping there, at Wexford, and all other places of that coast, towards the exportation of six thousand men, and have likewise sent an express to St. Ives and Falmouth for shipping, either to convoy or to help to transport these men. And if your Excellency please to inform yourself what may be done to forward this business out of Dublin, I shall not fail to see performe. . . Read More

Community Reviews

It is incredible to see that I am ready with the review of my teenage favorites, that propelled me towards philosophy and to cherish the novelty of nature! When I conjectured it would put me to sleep, this book woke me in ways inexplicable!

O carte pentru cei care tînjesc după o viață liniștită. Iată soluția!

Un bărbat încă tînăr, dar cu opinii tăioase, Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), hotărăște să trăiască singur într-o pădure, în preajma lacului Walden. Din fericire, lacul e populat cu diferite vietăți comestibile. Dimineața, Thorea

If you find yourself having difficulty sleeping, this book is a fantastic cure for insomnia. Just writing a review about it makes me want to lie my head down and close my eyes.

That being said, I suppose Thoreau's pretentious, self-righteous douchebaggery was extremely revolutionary for the time it w

Walden is a phenomenal piece of writing that has the power to completely alter your way of thinking and the way in which you see the world.

To put it plainly, I feel like I have been looking for Walden (or a book like it) for my entire life. It is a book a about a man who has had enough of society a

The Book That Led To My Best Friend

Groundbreaking and thought provoking. Need to grab a highlighter just to get through the first chapter. It has so many ideas that were ahead of its time and still deserve a pause.

This is one of my favorite books of all time. I have read it at least half a dozen ti

Reading Walden was kind of like eating bran flakes: You know it's good for you, and to some degree you enjoy the wholesomeness of it, but it's not always particularly exciting. The parts of this book that I loved (the philosophy, which always held my interest even though I sometimes didn't agree wit

The never quite understood philosophy of a man who swam against the current of mainstream beliefs. Sorry I borrowed these words from comments about another review, a good friend, not stealing though, these are my own scribbles, repeating the impressions here. Henry David Thoreau a native of Concord,

Or "The Guy Who Liked to Go Outside and Do Stuff". If Thoreau were alive today, I bet he'd be one of those guys who won't shut up about how he "doesn't even own" a television. Curiously, however, I don't think he'd smell bad. And he'd find Radiohead neither overrated nor God's gift to modern music.

The first half is written by Thoreau, the accomplished philosopher and soars much above my humble powers of comprehension; the second half is written by Thoreau, the amateur naturalist and swims much below my capacity for interest.

After reading about the influence the book had on Gandhi, I had atte

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