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The Last Trail

Zane Grey

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The Last Trail | Zane Grey

The Last Trail

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This early Zane Grey novel of hardy pioneers taming the wild west. Yes, despite the difficult times, romance flourishes and the bad guys are eliminated almost single handedly as our heroes Jonathan Zane and his sidekick Lew “Deathwind” Wetzel fight their way through mud, blood, gore, savage Indians, and despicable outlaws, to make the land safe for pioneer families as they settle the wild west.
e brightening in the east. The birds ceased twittering to break into gay songs, and the cock in the barnyard gave one final clarion-voiced salute to the dawn. The rose in the east deepened into rich red, and then the sun peeped over the eastern hilltops to drench the valley with glad golden light.

A blue smoke curling lazily from the stone chimney of his cabin, showed that Sam had made the kitchen fire, and a little later a rich, savory odor gave pleasing evidence that his wife was cooking breakfast.

"Any sign of Jack?" a voice called from the open door, and Betty appeared.

"Nary sign."

"Of the Indians, then?"

"Well, Betts, they left you a token of their regard," and Colonel Zane smiled as he took a broken halter from the fence.

"Madcap?" cried Betty.

"Yes, they've taken Madcap and Bess."

"Oh, the villains! Poor pony," exclaimed Betty indignantly. "Eb, I'll coax Wetzel to fetch the pony home if he has to kill every Shawnee in the valley."

"Now you're talking, Betts," Colonel Zane replied. "If you could get Lew to do that much, you'd be blessed from one end of the border to the other."

He walked up the road; then back, keeping a sharp lookout on all sides, and bestowing a particularly keen glance at the hillside across the ravine, but could see no sign of the bordermen. As it was now broad daylight he felt convinced that further watch was unnecessary, and went in to breakfast. When he came out again the villagers were astir. The sharp strokes of axes rang out on the clear morning air, and a mellow anvil-clang pealed up from the blacksmith shop. Colonel Zane found his brother Silas and Jim Douns near the gate.

"Morning, boys," he cried cheerily.

"Any glimpse of Jack or Lew?" asked Silas.

"No; but I'm

Dave 06/29/2023

"It was another dismal day, such a one was fitting for a dark deed of border justice."

Louie the Mustache 02/02/2023
I always like to give my caveats, so that all can understand my frame of reference and the panorama of what I believe is unique and special about a Zane Grey novel. Sure, the American Indians are referred to as savages. This was written in the early 1900s, (1909 to be exact) before political correct
Jerry 06/16/2021
Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939), an American author and dentist, wrote and published 75 western novels during his lifetime. Zane Grey is the author that turned a literate 8-year-old country boy, muy, into a certified bookworm. I received 12 of them as a Christmas present that year and then collected a
Patsy 03/16/2021
The copy of the book, which is a reprint, was copywriter 1906. Of course, the setting is late 1700s in the Ohio Valley region. The struggles of both the Indians and white settlers is gut wrenching as because of the culture clash and knowing the change that will come. The Indian Wars took so many liv
Julia 05/25/2017
Set in the Ohio Valley, just as white settlers were beginning to come together in small settlements near military forts. This was "The West" at the time, and there were skirmishes with Indians and with bad white guys as well. The story revolves around a 16 year old "woman" ("We like to get them marr
Thom 02/20/2012
The Last Trail by Zane Grey is a good example of American literature written in the early part of the last century. Traditions and family values play a large part in daily life. This book distinguishes between two types of frontiersmen, the pioneers and the border men. The first being settlers that

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