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La Grande Breteche
Honoré de Balzac
Book Overview:
La Grande Bretèche is an addendum to Balzac's Another Study of Woman, and is the final of a set of stories told around a dinner table. This one, given to the guests at about two in the morning, is tale of marital infidelity and revenge,and perhaps might have given some of the audience a sleepless night.
La Grande Bretèche is an addendum to Balzac's Another Study of Woman, and is the final of a set of stories told around a dinner table. This one, given to the guests at about two in the morning, is tale of marital infidelity and revenge,and perhaps might have given some of the audience a sleepless night.
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"I was encouraging myself by saying to myself, 'Il bondo cani! Seek!'
"'I am,' he went on, 'notary at Vendome.'
"'I am delighted to hear it, monsieur,' I exclaimed. 'But I am not in a position to make a will for reasons best known to myself.'
"'One moment!' said he, holding up his hand as though to gain silence. 'Allow me, monsieur, allow me! I am informed that you sometimes go to walk in the garden of la Grande Breteche.'
"'Yes, monsieur.'
"'One moment!' said he, repeating his gesture. 'That constitutes a misdemeanor. Monsieur, as executor under the will of the late Comtesse de Merret, I come in her name to beg you to discontinue the practice. One moment! I am not a Turk, and do not wish to make a crime of it. And besides. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Povestirea cu final mai mult decât surprinzător este narată la persoana întâi de medicul Horace Bianchon, unul dintre numeroasele personaje ce populează un număr mare de opusuri ale Comediei Umane. Acțiunea are loc în afara Vendôme, un orășel pitoresc aflat pe malurile Loarei.
Bianchon se simte inexp
As the story is about 10 pages long it feels wrong to add this to my challenge but with the pipe-dream of reading the entire La Comédie humaine, I was surprised to find this story (installment 16 in the series) in one of my grandmother's giant old short story volumes. Honestly, this story is quite s
A classic haunted house story in the vein of Poe’s House of Usher regarding a dark family mystery.
Very familiar-feeling... perhaps I've read this before, possibly a different translation? Similar to Edgar Allan Poe in feel - (view spoiler)[ and not just because it's got someone being bricked up and left to die (hide spoiler)].
I'm not at all sure the multiple 'layers' of the story are necessary: At a social gathering, a man t