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King Arthur and His Knights

Maude L. Radford

Book Overview: 

A collection of King Arthur’s adventures, from his ascent to King of Britain to his death. This book includes some of the crucial Arthurian legends about Sir Lancelot, the Knights of the Round Table, Queen Guinevere, and the search for the Holy Grail.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .At this the lords looked dismayed.

"Unless our lord Arthur has more men than he can find in his own realm," said Merlin, "he will be overcome and slain. Therefore I give you this counsel. There are two brothers across the sea; both are monarchs and both very strong. One is King Ban of Benwick, and the other is King Bors of Gaul. Now these two have an enemy, also a powerful ruler. Therefore, send to the brothers, King Bors and King Ban who are now both in Benwick, and say to them that if they will help Arthur in his war against the eleven kings, Arthur will help them against their common enemy."

"That is very good counsel," said the king and the lords.

So they chose Sir Ulfius and Sir Brastias as messengers, and these two hurried away, hopeful of success. When they reached the town in Benwick where King Bors and King Ban were, knights came forth to receive them and to hear their message. As soon as it was learned from whom they had come they wer. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Note: this book inspires brave deeds and noble speech.

I was so surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. It was written in the 1800's, yet the feel and pace of this book was so modernly refreshing. I finished it in less than a week. It's not as complicated as Shakespeare to read, and I found myself

Good, engaging storytelling. Arthur and Camelot are so woven into our consciousness that there were few surprises but an orderly set of stories fills in blanks.

Having realized a little while ago that all my love and understanding of Arthurian legend comes mostly from Mary Stewart's books, followed by a lot of weird stuff written largely post 1995, I thought I'd try one of the "classics" of the . . . genre? Milieu? Whatever.

This was QUITE enjoyable, and a l

Whew! I finally finished this book. I've been trudging through for over 4 months. I HATED reading this book. I thought that it was boring and the language was hard to understand. I gave it 3 stars because, although I didn't like reading it, I like having read it. The legend of King Arthur is such a

Extremely detailed, readable, filled with an enchanting, and chivalry version of the story of King Arthur and His Knights. Howard Pyle tells the story starting from the beginning through almost all the notable Knights. You can feel his love for the legends as they come through the pages. The morals

to be honest I struggled with this
read some passages absentmindedly just because I wanted to be done with it.
the story is good and might be enjoyable for some.

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