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Jezebel's Daughter

Wilkie Collins

Book Overview: 

A brilliant chemist and a shrewd businessman — die on the same day. The widow of the chemist, Mrs. Fontaine, is left with the poisons he was researching , while Mrs. Wagner is left with her husband's mental health institution reforms and his plans for hiring women along with men in his firm's offices. Mrs. Wagner believes in treating madmen gently, and requests for the funny little man Jack Straw to be released from the madhouse. At the same time, her nephew David Glenney is sent to the Frankfurt office, where he works with Mr Engelmann and Mr Keller. The Keller sun, Fritz, has fallen in love with Minna Fontaine, but the prospect of marriage is not being approved of by his father because Madame Fontaine is said to be in debt after her husband's death.

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Book Excerpt: 
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Just as we were saying good-night, the fitful moonlight streamed out brightly again through a rift in the clouds. At the same moment a stout old gentleman, smoking a pipe, sauntered past us on the pavement, noticed me as he went by, stopped directly, and revealed himself as Mr. Engelman. "Good-night, Mr. David," said the widow. The moon shone full on her as she gave me her hand; Minna standing behind her in the shadow. In a moment more the two ladies had left us.

Mr. Engelman's eyes followed the smoothly gliding figure of the widow, until it was lost to view at the end of the bridge. He laid his hand eagerly on my arm. "David!" he said, "who is that glorious creature?"

"Which of the two ladies do you mean?" I asked, mischievously.

"The one with the widow's cap, of course!"

"Do you admire the widow, sir?"

"Admire her!" repeated Mr. Engelman. "Look here, David!" He showed me the long porcelain bo. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Es la primera obra que leo del autor, y he de reconocer que no está nada mal, hay enredos, embrollos, venenos, suspense, y para mi gusto, demasiadas vueltas a una historia que se ha terminado estirando como un chicle, y no le veía la necesidad a tanto alargar la agonía. La lectura se hace bastante f

Dnf. I couldn't get into it. I'm a little anxious today, so maybe that's why. Not sure.

A typical Wilkie Collins that combines interesting characters, including those who are quite unlikely heroes in Victorian literature, a plot that defies modern genre definitions but comes most closely to a mix of mystery, domestic thriller and family drama, and a compelling way of telling the story.

Victorian “sensation fiction” is having something of a critical moment, and it’s not difficult to see why. In addition to the cheap thrills that attracted nineteenth-century readers (intricate plots, with liberal doses of sex, violence, mystery, and intrigue), sensation novels have much to recommend

Ah, Wilkie Collins, a writer who can be counted on to put the sensation in sensational fiction. Nefarious doings including lying, cheating, and stealing. The theft of money from a locked desk, mysterious illnesses, deaths, and recoveries. The return of a body to life while in the Death House, poison

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