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I've Married Marjorie

Margaret Widdemer

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Francis established her in the front seat, by him, tucked a rug around her, for the night was sharp for May, and drove to Fifth Avenue, then uptown.

She waited, wearily and immovable, for him to argue with her further, but he seemed in no hurry to commence. They merely drove on and on, and Marjorie was content not to talk. It was a clear, beautiful night, too late for much traffic, so they went swiftly. The ride was pleasant. All that she had been through had tired her so that she found the silence and motion very pleasant and soothing.

Finally he turned to her, and she braced herself for whatever he might want to say.

"Would you mind if we drove across the river for a little while?" he asked.

"Why—no," she said idly. "Out in the country, you mean?"

He assented, and they drove on, but not to the ferry. They turned, and went up Broadway, far, far again.

". . . Read More

Community Reviews

Well, I sort of liked it, but with some reservations. Not Margaret Widdemer's strongest book, although still readable.
Marjorie met Francis and spent time with him for a few weeks before he was sent overseas in World War I. The last day they had together, he convinced her to get married. She was swep
