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The Indolence of the Filipino
José Rizal
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And, just as happens in similar cases then the patient gets worse, everybody loses his head, each one dodges the responsibility to place it upon somebody else, and instead of seeking the causes in order to combat the evil in them, devotes himself at best to attacking the symptoms: here a blood-letting, a tax; there a plaster, forced labor; further on a sedative, a trifling reform. Every new arrival proposes a new remedy: one, seasons of prayer, the relics of a saint, the viaticum, the friars; another, a shower-bath; still another, with pretensions to modern ideas, a transfusion of blood. "It's nothing, only the patient has eight million indolent red corpuscles: some few white corpuscles in the form of an agricultural colony will get us out of the trouble."
So, on all sides there are groans, gnawing of lips, clenching of fists, many hollow words, great ignorance, a deal of talk, a lo. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
I just wanted to keep putting up snaps every other paragraph. This piece is so poetic yet demanding; it outlines the history of colonization specifically in the Philippines, but these trends are visible in many other colony/colonizer relationships as well. Though written a hundred years ago, it's st
Gaya penterjemahan daripada bahasa Inggeris ke bahasa Melayu yang agak kaku, sedikit lewah dan bersifat tergesa-gesa dalam buku ini menyebabkan inti besar yang ingin disampaikan oleh Jose Rizal tidak sempat berkunjung ke lubuk hati pembaca kendatipun kata pengantar sudah diulas baik oleh Syed Farid
Sumbangan Jose Rizal dalam memupuk semangat kebangsaan Filipina sememangnya harus dijadikan teladan. Walaupun usianya pendek, sumbangan pemikiran dan penulisan beliau masih bergetar hingga ke hari ini. Kajian beliau dalam membedah sifat kemalasan orang Filipina juga merupakan satu sumbangan yang pen
"Orang-orang Filipina itu telah diyakinkan bahawa untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan dia perlu mengetepikan maruahnya sebagai makhluk yang rasional. Dia perlu hadir ke upacara keagamaan, percaya pada apa yang diberitahu, membayar dan menderita dalam diam tanpa bercita-cita. Dia harus terus-meneruskan tid
Jose Rizal was a philosopher hero of the Philippines who was executed by the Spanish army for his trouble.
I found his arguments that explain the perceived indolence of Filipino. He explained that any group learns to live. He explained that as it is very hot and very fertile. As a result, the Filipi
This book was something we discussed in our Rizal class. Reading through it, I couldn't help but feel a kind of admiration for Rizal, who was able to lay bare the, simply put, indolence of the Filipino. The reasons for it may be looked at as mere excuses, but the train of thought is still something