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Homeward Bound

James Fenimore Cooper

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Homeward Bound | James Fenimore Cooper

Homeward Bound

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ir; I am amazed that such a question should be put by a gentleman of your information, in an age like this!"

"If one man is as good as another," said Mr. Blunt, who perceived that John Effingham was biting his lips, a sign that something more biting would follow,--"will you do me the favour to inform me, why the country puts itself to the trouble and expense of the annual elections?"

"Elections, sir! In what manner could free institutions flourish or be maintained, without constantly appealing to the people, the only true sources of power?"

"To this I make no objections, Mr. Dodge," returned the young man, smiling; "but why an election; if one man is as good as another, a lottery would be cheaper, easier, and sooner settled. Why an election, or even a lottery at all? why not choose the President as the Persians chose their king, by the neighing of a horse?

"This would be indeed an extraordinary mode of proceeding for an intelligent and virtuous people, Mr. Blunt; and I must take the liberty of saying that I suspect you of pleasantry. If you wish an answer, I will say, at once by such a process we might get a knave, or a fool, or a traitor."

"How, Mr. Dodge! I did not expect this character of the country from you! Are the Americans, then, all fools, or knaves, or traitors?"

"If you intend to travel much in our country, sir, I would advise great caution in throwing out such an insinuation, for it would be apt to meet with a very general and unqualified disapprobation. Americans are enlightened and free, and as far from deserving these epithets as any people on earth."

"And yet the fact follows from your own theory. If one man is as good as another, and any one of them is a fool, or a knave, or a traitor,--all are knaves, or fools, or traitors! The insinuation is not mine, but it follows, I think, inevitably, as a consequence of your own proposition."

In the pause that

Axslingin 02/04/2018
Apparently, James Fenimore Cooper didn't know how to keep a novel short and snappy, and this one is no exception, with the sequel a continuation of the story. Although you could read this book in isolation and be entertained, you'll be left wanting at the end because-it's only half the story, albeit
Chris 01/15/2011
A few wealthy Brits and Americans set sail from London to New York in 1835. Their small ship goes astray which leads to harrowing adventures on the African coast. Some great characters, especially Captain Truck and Jack Effingham. A fun read with a lot of tense excitement--typical Cooper dramatics.

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